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Yum remove package 2 this module installed and removed each package given to the yum module separately. el7_6. 0_45-fcs will be erased I know following code will remove all package from specific repo. 0_101-fcs. In this example, the wget package will be erased. However, adding that command will mean you do exactly what I said you’d do if you did that. To install, remove, and upgrade packages using YUM, execute the “sudo yum install <package-name>”, “sudo yum remove <package-name>”, and “sudo yum upgrade Removing Multiple Packages in One Command. For example, apt-get, dpkg, rpm, yum, etc. YUM is an interactive, rpm based, high level package manager for RHEL/CentOS systems, it enables users to install new packages, remove/erase old/unwanted packages. Confirm the uninstallation by typing ‘y’ when prompted. 6 got remove but not openjdk. x86_64; Committing the transaction by run sudo yum remove <package>will still work on held packages. yum erase wget . We can use the dnf program to remove a single package or a list of packages. ) Using package-cleanup command which is a part of yum-utils package we can uninstall any number of old kernels automatically. yum for easy linking to the module documentation and to avoid conflicting with Installing, removing, and updating packages is a typical activity on Linux. yum erase package. Run yum remove packagename to uninstall the package. Normally, removing a package using YUM package management system will remove that package together with its dependencies. Removing XFCE on fedora20. Learn how to remove applications and dependencies using YUM, a command-line tool for RPM-based distributions. directive clean_requirements_on_remove=1. It can install, update and remove packages on the system. yum localinstall has been deprecated for some time, and in current versions of Fedora, as well as RHEL 8, it's simply an alias for Run yum remove packagename to uninstall the package. To remove all oprhaned packages automatically try: package-cleanup --quiet --leaves --exclude-bin | xargs yum Open a terminal and type sudo apt-get remove <package_name> or sudo yum remove <package_name> to remove the package. This redirect is part of ansible-core and included in all Ansible installations. Usually, for some closely related packages, you may want to downgrade them all together. Is there a way to view the history of Yum I'm trying to remove the emacs package from my Fedora 32 system using the dnf remove emacs command, however when I remove it this happens: Running transaction check Transaction check succeeded. Share. 4. In time, the stored cache may take up too Note. Method 2 – Temporarily disable Package Install/Updates. Confirm the uninstallation by typing y and pressing Enter when prompted. rpm: yum erase pkg: Remove a package: yum remove pkg: Same as above: yum autoremove: Free disk space by removing unwanted packages: yum reinstall pkg: Reinstall a package: yum downgrade pkg: Downgrade a package to an older version: yum check: Check sudo yum remove package-name. Once you are done you can commit the image. Modified 6 years, 5 months ago. 12, and 2. When I (or future user) install + edit config files of the package and then remove the package (yum remove <package>) config files are renamed or removed. yum (Yellowdog Updater Modified) is a tool in an RPM-based Linux system for managing the packages. This command has the same effect as the yum remove command. Removing Packages. To disable the confirmation prompt just add option -y as shown below. conf yum configuration file: If you decide to remove the yum cache files, yum will have to redownload them the next time that you decide to update your system. The redo sub-command can also take some optional arguments before we specify a transaction: force-reinstall – reinstalls any packages that were installed in that transaction (via yum install, upgrade or downgrade). yum automatically resolves dependencies and performs yum remove is not guaranteed to preserve configuration files. Now start removing packages that you don't need using yum remove or yum purge. Yum allows uninstalling several packages at the same time by providing a space separated list: yum remove package1 package2 package3. builtin. Step 3: Verify the Removal. Conclusion. x86_64 . Despite that, we recommend you use the Fully Qualified Collection Name (FQCN) ansible. x86_64-4. ; yum: Manages packages in Red-hat-based Linux. You can also use yum erase packagename, as erase works the same as remove. However, certain dependencies will not be removed on the system, these are what we can term as “unused dependencies” or (so-called “leaf packages” according to YUM man page). What you can do is find out what is in a rpm using: rpm -ql packagename or . So I used the approach you show here to remove both libpng and libpng-devel, then built and installed libpng-1. # yum -y remove firefox 3. i386 foo-package-3. By updating the settings in the YUM configuration file, you can choose to either yum remove package_name; Wait for the transaction summary and confirmation prompt to be displayed, and then press either the Y key to confirm, or the N key to decline the transaction, as shown next: Is this ok [y/d/N]: y; If you have declined the transaction, then no further work is required and you will exit YUM. It’s the new-age version of the popular Yum package manager. However, packages remain in cache even after they've been installed and removed. After few times of failure, I did yum remove python. 0. Removes the specified package. package. But I've just discovered that I very definitely do not want to clear all of /var/cache/yum, because evidently the record of which packages are installed is also kept By default YUM Cache set to remove packages after successful installation and can be save the packages by changing the parameter from 0 to 1 in /etc/yum. Example: sudo yum remove nginx. 2. Overview: make lists of files claimed by each pkg; remove outgoing pkg from DB without removing content with rpm Run sudo amazon-linux-extras info postgresql10 to list the yum package names to uninstall, then uninstall them by running sudo yum remove [package-list]. As stated in the yum HOWTO:. yum remove libffi-3. 25-19. I know from "Maybe you want: rm -rf /var/cache/yum" that I might have to, good grief, bluntly clear all of /var/cache/yum. I'm seeing some errors in my apache logs and they may (or may not) be related to some packages that I recently installed/removed using Yum. For example, if you want to downgrade httpd : yum erase ${old_package} yum install ${new_package_with_same_files} The exclusion of --replacefiles is intentional. Fedora yum wiki. This caused problems when packages specified by filename or url had to be installed or removed together. As an example using --oldkernels --count=2 option with package-cleanup command the command will remove all unused kernel while keeping last three most recent kernel versions installed. force-remove – removes any packages that were updated or yum update. Handling package management history; The following is an example of using yum to both install & undo (ie. However, you can instruct yum to remove only those packages which are not required by any other packages or groups by adding the groupremove_leaf_only=1 directive to the To remove a package: rpm -e <package-name> or yum remove <package-name> Sources: Fedora RPM Guide. Disable Package Updates Using versionlock Option. Always check the list of packages to be removed before you proceed, especially if you have enabled custom repositories on your system. When you remove a package with the command. 1. I tried to remove from UI but from there I am able to list openjdk 1. In order to remove the actual yum repository rather than just to disable it, you have to find the package and remove it. yum update yum remove package yum install package on command line. remove) the screen package: First will install screen RPM Note that this may also remove the packages that depends on the current version of the package. One way to really protect your package from deinstallation is to put its name into protected_packages in /etc/yum. Therefore, the yum clean command removes any cached packages on the Linux machine and, as a result, frees up disk space. So to clean all the cached packages from the enabled repository cache directory, login as root and execute the following: yum clean packages It seems like somehow yum cached data and the rpm database got out of sync with each other I guess. Type the following command and press Enter to uninstall the package: sudo yum remove package-name 5. list installed: Makes a list of all the installed packages. Example: yum search python. spec: To uninstall the package named zip, run: $ sudo yum remove zip Use the dnf command on a CentOS/RHEL/Oracle Linux 8 as follows to uninstall software: $ sudo dnf list installed $ sudo dnf list installed | grep zip $ sudo dnf remove zip. Unfortunately it tends to be a bit overeager. The -y flag automatically confirms sudo: Provides administrative privileges. Using In this tutorial, I’ll show you two easy methods of removing a package without dependencies using YUM. Yum is a package manager, let it manage the packages. Q. 3 where man rpm lists --justdb only in installation section and not in removal, but it does work for removal as well. This method only locks them from being changed automatically. @Levit: Pretty sure what dimadima is trying to say is that this doesn't strictly answer the question -- you're not using yum but rpm which has the major implication that the package needs to be installed (which OP didn't explicitly say was his scenario). x86_64 maybe this will save someone some time. in linux, you can install programs in a variety of places. To install it type: yum install yum-plugin-remove-with-leaves we want to remove openssl-libs and to installed diff openssl version but yum remove option have huge dependencies list and failed as the following: yum remove openssl-libs . See examples, arguments, and warnings for removing packages with dependencies. Fedora Linux. rpm: Install a package from a file named pkg. You can read our Comparative Analysis of Methods to distinguish between these two methods and pick the Learn how to use Yum, a popular package manager on enterprise Linux systems, to remove unwanted packages and dependencies. How do I create an RPM package that would fail a YUM transaction if certain creteria are met. This article e Problem: Removing python-boto from the system and Yum. 16 but running with 1. By entering the appropriate command (yum remove for RHEL or CentOS 7, or dnf remove for RHEL Run the command sudo yum remove [package name] to remove the package from your system. Using rpm. yum remove $(yum list installed | grep rpmforge | awk '{ print $1 }') And following code will remove a package without dependencies. Yum is the popular package manager used to install, remove, or manage packages in Red-hat Linux. Fedora package When you tell yum to remove a package group, it will remove every package in that group, even if those packages are members of other package groups or dependencies of other installed packages. Move new file to old file. To install, remove, and upgrade packages on CentOS, use the “yum” package manager by specifying the package name. That’s it! The package will be uninstalled from your system using yum. Give the remaining lines to yum to remove, after removing the date part. After removing the package, you need to verify that it was removed $ yum -y install php54w excerpt from the yum man page -y, --assumeyes Assume yes; assume that the answer to any question which would be asked is yes. yum remove java* java 1. 4. Just run the I just tried to upgrade the Python installation on my CentOS machine. i386 Because I need that file (?), however facing problems while installing ruby with rvm, as libffi-devel is a . Again, we need to the dnf command as follows: Step 3: Removing Packages with yum # On Red Hat-based systems, the yum command is the primary package management tool. For example, to uninstall BIND, run yum remove bind. 8. Related Articles. Using remove command: sudo snap dnf remove $(dnf repoquery --extras --exclude=tito,acpi) Remove packages not present in any repository, but don't remove the tito and acpi packages (they still might be removed if they depend on some of the removed packages). Update all packages: sudo yum update Install a package: sudo yum install [package_name] Remove a package: sudo yum remove [package_name] Search for a package: sudo yum search [search_term] Zypper Package Manager : Zypper is SUSE Linux Enterprise's and openSUSE's default package manager. This removes all the specified packages in a single efficient operation. And the question can help you. If you’re using one of the versions listed above, you can set this option to null to avoid passing an unknown configuration option. ; If you're not logged in as root, you'll need to preface the yum command Dandified Yum (DNF) is a high-level software package tool for RPM-based Linux distributions. As dpkg has no tool to list installed packages by the installation date, we can use its logs to see when the packages are installed. However, if you have confirmed $ sudo yum remove $(awk '{print $1}' <package_list) 3. Tried: yum clean all; yum check; rpm -e --noscripts python-boto and rpm -e -- yum remove package_name will remove only that package and all their dependencies. I tried to remove openjdk using . Locate the package you want to uninstall from the list and make note of its name. thanks --exclude will exclude a package from the repositories, as it wasn't available to install, but it doesn't act on installed packages. I thought I'd just swap it, but yum wanted to remove a ton of stuff if I first removed libpng. rpm' We've only covered a few scenarios for using conditionals to install a yum package, but there are many other ways you can customize and adapt it to suit your needs. 0, most of the user’s commands are based on YUM (The Yellowdog Updater, Modified) and on the RPM (Red-hat Package Manager) package manager. You can use it to remove unused packages by running the following command: sudo yum remove <package-name> Replace with the name of the package you want to remove. He was merely making the rpm==dpkg / yum==apt parallel comparison to explain this in case somebody was How to clear the yum cache: When a package is downloaded, installed and is removed there is a chance that the package may still be saved/stored in the yum’s cache. For example, to remove some unnecessary packages: yum remove tree sl vim-enhanced. This is hoping there are very less configuration files of package which you are trying to re-install. Sudo permissions. rpm -qlp packagename if the package is not yet installed. Install a package: yum localinstall pkg. (This answer adds a yum-only solution to the accepted answer. I was having a dependency version issue, the warning was Application built with libpng-1. yum remove 'php*' To bypass the confirmation, replace yum with yum -y. How to remove the older versions of a package which has multiple versions installed on Red Hat Enterprise Linux? After a failed yum transaction, yum-complete-transaction fails to complete and the duplicates are still present. Searching for Packages: This command allows you to search for packages by providing a keyword. . grep Pattern: matches and prints text ‘Pattern’. List and remove the indicated packages and all their dependencies, but with a y/N confirmation:. Jonathon Hill Jonathon Hill. In ansible-core 2. Note. To remove a package without removing its dependency on Red Hat Linux or RHEL based distributions like CentOS, AlmaLinux, Rocky Linux or Oracle Linux, you can run the command. On some Linux distributions, yum is the default package manager. I have created a RPM package and it is uploaded to my local yum repository. Whether you are using RHEL, CentOS, Rocky Linux, or AlmaLinux, the command syntax remains consistent. See examples of yum list, yum remove, yum erase, yum group, and yum autoremove co To remove a package from CentOS, use the following yum commands: yum remove [package_name] OR. How to remove yum erase or yum remove can be used to uninstall a package. I have old rpm v4. yum remove package will remove the specified package and may also remove dependencies that are no longer needed by other packages. rpm -qa | grep epel Sample outputs: epel-release-5-4 yum remove epel-release-5-4 yum clean all We will redo the removed sysstat package removal using the command shown in the figure below. 8 Handling package management history; RHEL 9 System Admin Guide - 9. This will remove the package and any associated How you can check what dependencies will be removed before doing yum remove? I just found some difference between two packages so asking your help. For example: yum erase nfs-utils. 1-5. It also provides information about installed packages on the system and available packages on the default repositories. Alternatively, you can use sudo dnf remove <package_name> or sudo apt-get remove <package_name> to remove the package. Improve this answer. conf, but then yum wouldn't process a wildcard that also matches that package. Yum stands for Yellowdog Updater Modified. YUM will display a list of packages that match the keyword, making it easier to find the package you need. 2. dnf remove --duplicates Remove older versions of duplicated packages (an equivalent of yum's package-cleanup --cleandups). Linuxでパッケージ管理システム「yum」でインストールしたパッケージを削除する方法を説明します。 【yum remove】インストール済パッケージを削除する 「yum」でインストールしたパッケージ Removing a package using the yum uninstall command is a straightforward process that can be executed in a terminal window with superuser privileges. Find out how to search, bulk remove, and automate Using Yum yum install package-name Using DNF dnf install package-name. In your case, I know that yum clean all doesn't necessarily clear all the package files. Let me know if I missed a post and I will delete this!) Hello! How to delete the repositories that are liste reading up on how to remove just one package said the syntax was package-version, so naturally I tried yum remove db4. Most of the Linux distributions provides some kind of package manager utility. A Linux system with YUM installed (this tutorial uses CentOS 7). 3,495 1 1 gold Well, I'm trying to execute the following command. Read Also: 4 Ways to Lock Package Install or In this section, I will explain two cases of removing a package without dependencies. Follow answered Jul 11, 2023 at 21:35. After identifying the orphaned packages, you can remove them using the yum remove command. yum autoremove will remove the unused dependencies. In any event, the command syntax for package removal is: # yum remove package1 [package2 package3] As noted above, it removes package1 and all packages in the dependency tree that depend on package1, possibly irreversibly as far as configuration data is concerned. JDK example (no dependencies when doing yum, but repoquery shows the dependencies - why there is difference?) root@server DEV # yum remove jdk-1. 1 will be erased --> Finished Dependency Resolution Dependencies Resolved ===== Package Arch Version package-cleanup --quiet --leaves from the yum-utils package will list the library packages which aren't relied upon by other packages. . 11, 2. Eg. Using the Yum command is a convenient way to uninstall RPM packages, as it automatically resolves dependencies and ensures that your system remains stable after the removal process. It appears to be no longer installed, but still appears in Yum. For Yum: Install versionlock package: sudo yum install yum-plugin-versionlock; Lock a specific package version: sudo yum versionlock Prerequisites. This section builds upon the answers by yum remove package yum install package Also here is an interesting for. yum remove PKG_NAME yum will remove all other packages that are dependent on the package you are removing. Let’s say you have an outdated version of the MySQL package and you want to update it to the latest stable version. 1. I manually output the list result to a text file, and then copy/paste the names into yum remove. currently. Keeping them in the hold will keep them at their current versions no matter what unless you decide to remove them manually. Adding the noautoremove option with yum will allow you to remove any packages without their Let’s remove the cache: $ sudo yum clean packages Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Cleaning repos: base extras updates 7 package files removed. Add a comment | 0 . Clean Package Headers Question about this. ; google-chrome-stable. 5. This parameter is deprecated as it has been removed on Removing unused or orphaned packages from your CentOS Linux system can help free up disk space, improve system performance, and reduce potential security vulnerabilities. Try running the next commands: su -c 'yum clean all && rpm --rebuilddb' su -c 'package-cleanup --problems' Then run: su -c 'yum erase zarafa*' Edit #1: Try running the next command: # su -c 'yum --setopt=tsflags=noscripts remove zarafa*' If set to true Yum will download packages and metadata from this repo in parallel, if possible. Adding the --exclude-bin argument helps. conf to make sure that when you remove a package with YUM it will automatically remove the dependencies and configuration files: 1. As of version 2015. rf. Always proceed with caution and I am attempting to do a yum update and I get this admin@localhost ~$ sudo yum update Loaded plugins: langpacks, priorities, refresh-packagekit adobe-linux-x86_64 Choose the cutoff date that applies to you and delete all the lines that follow it. Using dpkg. | (pipe): Pipe operator that connects the output of one command to an input of another command. user2062950 user2062950. yum remove package. On my system, for example, it suggested removing libvirt. Otherwise, yum will remove the closely related packages in order to satisfy the dependency requirement. In this you can have a dockerfile like below Not ideal, but I just solved a similar problem with rpm -e --justdb to record pkg as deleted without removing files. Updates all packages, including packages on which they depend. yum found about 300 dependencies on the machine, after I confirmed the operation, almost every command and utility became unavailable, including ls, wget, yum itself I got no choice but which returns a bunch of items(I was search to remove cloudera packages) I know that I can remove them by $ yum remove but certainly like to do it in one command. 7. How to view history of Yum commands (update, install, remove)? Ask Question Asked 14 years, 9 months ago. rpm -e --nodeps This guide has provided detailed instructions on how to safely remove these packages using DNF, Yum, and RPM. yum fails with is a duplicate with package-cleanup --cleandupes fails with Error: Depsolving loop limit reached RHEL 8 System Admin Guide - 12. docker commit centos_minimal centos_minimal:7. sudo yum remove $(awk '{print $1}' <list) YUM (Yellowdog Updater Modified) is a red-hat-based package manager used to install, uninstall or modify software packages. The command yum remove <package> removes the package as well as any packages that depend on it. Searching sudo apt-get purge package_name Remove the unneeded packages that were once installed as a dependency: sudo apt-get autoremove Remove the retrieved packages from the local cache: sudo apt-get autoclean Check that it was completely removed: dpkg --list | grep partial_package_name* Remove a Snap package. Using yum. Just write sudo yum remove - -nodeps package-name to uninstall your desired package without dependencies. Both Yum and DNF offer plugins that can lock specific versions of packages, preventing them from being updated and this is done using the versionlock plugin. yum erase [package_name] In Learn how to uninstall individual packages and package groups using yum command. 9. el6_6 which did not work, what worked was yum remove db4-4. Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Resolving Dependencies --> Running transaction check ---> Package wget. Enter your password when prompted, press y, and then press Enter to uninstall the package with yum. 13 the default value is true. The one that keeps configs in a backup is rpm -e. rpm -e --nodeps "php-sqlite2-5. Using the Ansible yum module to upgrade packages The Ansible yum module offers a simple way to upgrade all the packages in your environment. then, you can manually make the modifications you want. rpm by doing 'rm -rf /dir/package_name. Is there a way to do so? many thanks. 14-18. In most cases, you can use the short module name yum even without specifying the collections keyword. Can I disable YUM’s cache entirely? Yes, you can disable YUM’s cache by configuring the settings in the YUM configuration file. 1 from source, and my Either yum erase <package_name> or rpm -e <package_name> should remove any installed package. yum search keyword. el6_6. x86_64 0:1. Case 01: Force Remove a Package Without Dependencies Using Yum. How to Uninstall a YUM Package [2 User-Friendly Cases] In the same way, the above command will ask for confirmation before removing a package. It can automatically run system updates and does dependency analysis, and also perform queries on the installed packages and/or available packages plus so much more. and then I tried yum remove openjdk* this dint work. In CentOS 8. Setting the state to latest will automatically Normalize the package name by removing the architecture, if the architecture of the package is different from the architecture of the operating system. there must be a better way. 13. x86_64 2000:1. Viewed 100k times 42 . To explicitly clean up unneeded dependencies, you can use yum autoremove. ---&gt; Pack I update my redhat using yum uppdate and openjdk 1. x86_64: rpm package file of the Google Chrome YUM tries to remove all packages with a name corresponding to the packages installed with a profile or a stream, including their dependent packages. To remove a package with it's dependencies , you need to install yum plugin called: remove-with-leaves. 8 but not getting the option to remove it. In versions prior to 1. While it is related to YUM, it has unique To uninstall the official version of Java (JDK) you could use the following commands, yum or rpm: yum $ sudo yum remove jdk [sudo] password for saml: Loaded plugins: auto-update-debuginfo, changelog, langpacks, refresh-packagekit Resolving Dependencies --> Running transaction check ---> Package jdk. ; How to Clear YUM Cache? When a user installs a package, YUM downloads and stores it in /var/cache/yum. Updating a Package using YUM. If there is any config file which is not replaced during installation then message will be printed on screen that the file has been saved with different name. Then problems started to happen. Debian-based distributions of Linux use dpkg, the Debian package manager, for managing packages. This option has been removed in RHEL 8. When used with a loop: each package will be processed individually, it is much more efficient to pass the list directly to the name option. 14. One solution: With your specific example If you want to get fancy, you can add the following to your /etc/yum. el5. If you want to see what packages are on the system but don't seem to be depended on for anything, you could run package-cleanup --quiet --leaves from yum-utils ( or package-cleanup --quiet --leaves --exclude-bin to exclude binaries ). In this article, we will This action ensures that the package manager’s cache is up to date and does not contain outdated or unnecessary package files. Most of the time, your rpm on your distro is responsible for . In this article, we will explain two ways to remove or uninstall a package along with their dependencies using YUM package manager in CentOS and RHEL distributions. 1511_trial1 Experimental Squash Image. Enter your password when prompted, press y, and then press Enter to uninstall the package with yum. By following best practices such as backing up your system, using virtual environments for testing, and documenting changes, you can manage your system packages effectively without compromising stability. 6-200705230937" But i 1- what is the difference between 'yum erase' and 'yum remove'? 2- when using 'yum remove <package_name>' do you also have to ALSO do ' rpm -e package_name' to remove the rpm file? 3- is it ok (after two previous steps) to delete the original package_name. Example: dnf install httpd -y # Installs Apache web server. This can take a little bit of I was able to remove all duplicates by using yum shell: I first ordered it to remove all packages using remove foo-package-* Then order it to install previous version by specifying the exact version install foo-package-3. To uninstall a particular software package, let’s run the following command as a superuser: Using yum to uninstall a software or package from CentOS CentOS is an RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) distribution. 7, for distros which use yum/dnf, packages which have a version with a nonzero epoch (that is, versions which start with a number followed by a colon like in the example (This seems to be a rather straightforward question but I can't find the answer on SOF. Follow answered Sep 3, 2013 at 3:13. 8 got automatically installed. Another option is to use an experimental feature of the build command. ; Access to the terminal. 9-1. For example, if package-cleanup --leaves lists package1 and package2 as orphaned This command checks for upgrades and installs packages on the system. If you're happy with it's suggestion, then to clean up the packages, do: Introduction to yum command. 6. hxmlua ysmuq varkb hac wtgwm tluj bxx bmwh eyyau hrocoe jwyndqz yvwcg zkzy fmuxn weuo