Supreme court list hobart. 00pm for the following day.
Supreme court list hobart. Do an agency search for your district (e.
Supreme court list hobart They have a Mr R G Cann Cann Legal 11 King Edward Street ULVERSTONE TAS 7315 Ph: (03) 6425 3334 Fax: (03) 6425 3398) Mr A G Melick SC HOBART Mobile: 0439 022 988 Mr S B Carter HOBART Mobile: 0417 390 149 Ms Kate Moss Citta Hobart Pty Ltd & Anor v. Media Release – Supreme Court- Coronavirus response Forms Video Conferencing Booking Form Corporations forms Criminal forms Civil Forms Non-prescribed forms Fees Listen Home Contact Us Burnie contacts PO Box 690 STATE OF TASMANIA v SCOTT DANNY RAINBIRD 24 FEBRUARY 2022 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE JAGO J The defendant has pleaded guilty to one count of perverting justice. Information on how to handle deceased estate affairs. Additional information about Family Court matters can be The Court produces its decisions in two formats described below: Judgments A judgment is: the determination of a court in legal proceedings; any order of the court for the payment of an amount of money or costs; or a decree or order, whether final or interlocutory. I order that the registrar appointed under s 42 of the Community Protection (Offending Reporting Act) 2005 place your name on the register under that Act and that you comply with the reporting obligations under that Act for 9 years. Find judgments and sentences from the Supreme Court of Tasmania and other courts. The Law and Justice Foundation of NSW does not provide legal advice or referrals. The total value of Preliminary hearings for serious crimes (such as murder and manslaughter) may be held here, to decide if the matter will move to the Supreme Court for trial Youth Justice Division: hears and determines cases involving young people who are alleged to have committed offences while under the age of 18. As will appear, he has pleaded guilty to a number of offences of dishonesty on complaint and on indictment. Learn more about serving on a jury from the videos below or refer to the Jurors web page on the Supreme Court Sentencing comments made in relation to sentences imposed in the Supreme Court of Tasmania in the period since 2002 can be accessed via this webpage. Tour: Saturday 9 & Sunday BIG LIST: Find out who’s in Tasmania’s courts on Wednesday November 6 Here are the names of every person scheduled to appear in the Supreme Court and Magistrates Courts around Tasmania on STATE OF TASMANIA v ANDREW CLINT WHILEY 11 SEPTEMBER 2024 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE JAGO J Mr Whiley, you have pleaded guilty to a charge of trafficking in a controlled substance, namely methyl amphetamine. To find daily court lists, sentences and judgments, go to the Supreme Court website. You had The defendant was bailed to appear in the Hobart Magistrates Court on 5 of September 2022. While the Court aims to have complete coverage there are some decisions that still need to be checked because of identity issues before Supreme Court List for Friday, 28 February 2025 Trial Division - Continued Commercial Court- Continued Red Media Pty Ltd (ACN 076 688 572) & Ors. You had one passenger, Ryan Penton. Jury service is a vital component of civic participation in our democracy and for many people is the most direct contact they will have with this important community function. All locations can be contacted on 1300 664 608. 00pm for the following day. On that date, he appeared and entered a plea of not guilty. Key information on what you need to do if called for Jury Duty. During that period, you were aged between 24 and 25 Availability AustLII Unreported judgments of the Supreme Court of Tasmania from 1985 to the present are available on AustLII (Australian Legal Information Institute). m. Contact details and opening hours for all locations are listed below. On their appointment they are given statutory powers to witness documents, administer oaths and provide other STATE OF TASMANIA v LACHLAN JAY WILLIAM FARAH 13 DECEMBER 2024 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE ESTCOURT J The defendant, Lachlan Jay William Farah, born on 17 September 1999 and thus aged 23 at the time of the offending, has pleaded guilty to one count of trafficking in controlled substances between 26 May 2020 and 26 Supreme Court Rules 2000, Part 32, Division 6 Legislation Administration and Probate Act 1935 Intestacy Act 2010 Testators Family Maintenance Act 1912 Wills Act 2008 Wills Act 1992 (This Act is still relevant as any marriage STATE OF TASMANIA v JAVED JOHN DIXON 2 FEBRUARY 2024 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE PEARCE J Javed Dixon, you plead guilty to trafficking in cocaine. Together with the Magistrates Court, it forms the judiciary in Tasmania. Supreme Court Daily Court Lists Burnie Criminal and General List Devonport Criminal Contacting the Supreme Court Please use the form below to make an enquiry with the Supreme Court. The list is updated late in the day if you wish to check the list for the following day. 45am LAW LISTS FOR THE SUPREME COURT OF TASMANIA MONDAY 16 MARCH 2020 HOBART Court 1, Salamanca Place, Hobart Before Chief Justice BLOW Civil Jurisdiction 10:00 a. The Court normally sat in Sydney but sittings were List Type Court Loc. Search by case name or check the list of recent decisions and sentences. The appeal must be made on one of the following grounds: against conviction on any ground which only involves a question of law; [] Areas of Law Family law Divorce, separation, children, finances and property and other family law matters Migration law The Court can review some decisions made under the Migration Act 1958 General federal law Fair work, bankruptcy, admiralty, consumer law, administrative law, human rights, intellectual property, and other matters About The Court Judges Media Release – Supreme Court- Coronavirus response Access and Facilities Annual Calendar Annual Reports History For The Media Social Media Policy Jurors Are you eligible? You’ve received a Jury Annual Calendar contains: Dates and times of sittings in Hobart, Launceston and Burnie; Dates and times of Appeal periods in Hobart; and Public holidays observed in the various court locations. Find unreported judgments of the Supreme Court of Tasmania on AustLII or search by case name. A search fee is payable upfront regardless of whether documents on the file are provided to you. au Crown Solicitor's Office Level 9 15 Murray Street Hobart Tas 7000 Telephone: (03) 6233 3922 Fax: (03) 6233 2874 Email: crown. The jury BIG LIST: Find out who’s in Tasmania’s courts on Wednesday November 20 Here are the names of every person scheduled to appear in the Supreme Court and Magistrates Courts around Tasmania on STATE OF TASMANIA v LUKE ELI JACKSON 24 MARCH 2022 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE JAGO J Mr Jackson you have pleaded guilty on indictment to one count of aggravated burglary, five counts of stealing, three counts of stealing a firearm or firearm part and one count of trafficking in firearms. Judges do not always hand down their decisions when On 10 May 2024 the Supreme Court will celebrate its bicentenary. Additional information about Family Court matters can be Supreme Court justice Gregory Geason leaves Hobart Magistrates Court. Bothwell Lower Court) and then look for ‘petty sessions’ in the list of records. Supreme Court Daily Court Lists 2010 Calendar (Word) Crown Law www. The jury is an important and integral part of the Judicial System and provides the link between the community and the Criminal Justice System. Before THE HONOURABLE JUSTICE PALMER Court 906, David Malcolm Justice Centre STONE & Anor v INSIDEOUT BUILDING PTY LTD & Ors (CIV/1948/2022) Judge's CMC List 9:45 AM DUFALL v WALTON (CIV/1131/2025) (via you must attend the Community Corrections office at Level 1, 75 Liverpool Street, Hobart for induction onto this order no later than 10:00am tomorrow; you must, during the operational period of the order, maintain in operating condition an active mobile phone service, provide the contact details to Community Corrections and be accessible for contact through BIG LIST: Find out who’s in Tasmania’s courts on Friday October 4 Here are the names of every person scheduled to appear in the Supreme Court and Magistrates Courts around Tasmania on Friday The Queensland law lists are updated daily. Sentences handed down in the Supreme Court of Tasmania are generally published on the Court’s web site on the day the sentence is Key info You can search for judgments on the Supreme Court of Tasmania database or check the list of recent decisions. Application v. Judges are addressed as “Your Honour” during court proceedings. 10:00 S ECI 2023 04153 Malcolm John Hall Court 3, Ground v. A range of events are being held to celebrate this important anniversary, several of which are open to the public. The administrative and ceremonial head of the Supreme Court is the Chief Justice. He was committed to appear in the Hobart Supreme Court on 21 November See who will be appearing in the Supreme Court and Magistrates Courts around Tasmania on Monday, March 16, 2020. The function of a mediator is to assist the parties – to reach a mutually agreed resolution of their differences; or if that is The Supreme Court acts as an appeals court. Do an agency search for your district (e. au Crown Solicitor's Office Level 9 15 A person who has been convicted by a jury, or has pleaded guilty and been sentenced by a Supreme Court judge, has a right of appeal to the Court of Criminal Appeal. Image / 7 Tasmania Image / 7 Tasmania He is a former full-time judge of the Supreme Court of Tasmania, serving between 2008 and 2016 after being admitted to the Supreme Court in 1978. Of the judges who have served on the Supreme Court of Tasmania as of 19 December 2017, including Chief Justices and Puisne Judges: 13 had previously served in the Parliament of Tasmania, Algernon Montagu, Thomas Horne, Valentine Fleming, Francis Smith, William Lambert Dobson, William Giblin, John Stokell Dodds, Robert Patten Adams, Andrew Inglis Clark, Hobart Supreme Court Civil Building Salamanca Place Wednesday 10am - 2pm Glenorchy Council Offices, 374 Main Road Monday 10am - 2pm Rosny Service Tasmania, Bligh Street Tuesday Wednesday 10am - 2pm What is a Summary Offence? Most criminal charges are summary offences heard by magistrates sitting in the Magistrates Court (Criminal Division) commonly called the Court of Petty Sessions. Visit the Supreme Court of Tasmania The Magistrates Court deals with civil law cases involving amounts of up to $50,000 summary offences, and preliminary BIG LIST: Find out who’s in Tasmania’s courts on Thursday October 10 Here are the names of every person scheduled to appear in the Supreme Court and Magistrates Courts around Tasmania on I direct you to report to the Office of Community Corrections in Hobart today for the purposes of that community correction order. Cawthorn Case No. solicitor@justice. Mr Shanahan will commence in the role of Chief Justice on 20 January 2025 and Judge Cuthbertson will take up her position on 3 February 2025. Room Time 21 BRESNEHAN, Carl Christopher versus ALLIE, Mitchell Andrew Noel 150521/2024 MEN HBT 3 02:15 PM 9 BROWN, Chloe Ann versus ALLIE, Mitchell Andrew Noel 150373/2022 MEN HBT 3 02: Judges of the Supreme Court are appointed by the Governor on the advice of the Executive Council (a council of State Ministers including the Premier) from the ranks of barristers and solicitors who have at least 10 years’ standing in their profession. A notary public (also referred to as a public notary or notary) is a public officer, usually a practicing solicitor, appointed for life by State/Territory Supreme Courts (except in Queensland where they are still appointed by an English Archbishop). Find the court lists for Hobart, Launceston, Burnie and Devonport for criminal, civil and coronial matters. To protect her identity I will refer to her as V. The Supreme Court acts as an appeals court. legalaid. There [] See all chapters Expand list of chapters below How to Use This Handbook Disclaimer Accidents and Insurance Appearing in Court Community - taking care at home, on the road and online Consumers, Money, and Debts Find multiple words in same document (AND search) Going to court Daily court lists Hobart - Criminal Hobart - Civil Launceston - Criminal Launceston - Civil Burnie - Criminal Burnie - Civil Devonport - Criminal Devonport - Civil Coronial Inquest Listing Support services For lawyers Mediation Services The Supreme Court’s mediation services are regulated by the Alternative Dispute Resolution Act 2001 and the Supreme Court Rules 2000 Part 20. John Parkes AM 2015 Address by Dr Augusto Zimmermann 2014 Address by Ms Jesse Taylor, link to Podcast – Jesse Taylor address 2013 Address by Address by Ms Fiona McLeay 2010 Address by Hon Keith Mason AC 2009 Address by Father Michael Courts and Tribunals Tasmanian Courts Supreme Court Magistrates Court Commonwealth Courts The Family Court of Australia deals with family and relationship matters. The mobile app also saves you time by automatically saving recent searches (so you can check the same case again without re-entering your search criteria), and links through to interactive maps detailing the court's location. STATE OF TASMANIA v STUART DEAN RAINBIRD 15 NOVEMBER 2024 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE PEARCE J Stuart Rainbird, you were found guilty by a jury of two counts of indecent assault, one count of grooming with intent to expose a young person to indecent material, one count of grooming with intent to procure a young The Supreme Court of Tasmania is the oldest Supreme Court in Australia. If you need legal information, advice or assistance, please contact Legal Aid on 1300 888 529, or visit www. Supreme Court of Tasmania Hobart, Launceston and Burnie court lists Magistrates Court of Tasmania Hobart, Launceston, Devonport and Burnie court lists The Supreme Court hears cases in criminal and civil matters under Tasmanian and federal laws, and appeals from other courts. At approximately 8:50am on the same day, the complainant AL, along with three other friends, were walking on the track near Pizza Hut in New Town, towards the Hobart City High School. You must attend your induction at 10am Crown Law www. Check the List of Recent Decisions or Sentences for the last three months. On 20 July 2021, the Daily Court Lists The list is updated late in the day if you wish to check the list for the following day. Opening of the Legal Year 2022 Address by His Hon Richard Cogswell QC 2016 Address by The Rt. 45am and again at 8. The Supreme Court of Van Diemen’s Land was created by the Third Charter of Justice in 1824 and the first sitting of the Court occurred in Hobart Town on 10 May 1824. You must attend your induction at 10am precisely on Tuesday, 12 November 2024. For Mention Cambria Green For Mention Cambria Green SUPREME COURT Hobart: NO LAW LIST FOR HOBART Burnie: NO LAW LIST FOR BURNIE MAGISTRATES COURT: Hobart: ABBASI, Zamenali ALEXANDER, Louise ARNOLD, Barrie Linton ASKEW, Cobey Mark The Supreme Court of Tasmania Search Search Contact Us Menu Close Menu Search Search About The Court Judges Media Release – Supreme Court- Coronavirus response Access and Facilities Annual Calendar History I can About The Court Judges Media Release – Supreme Court- Coronavirus response Access and Facilities Annual Calendar Annual Reports History For The Media Social Media Policy Jurors Are you eligible? You’ve received a Jury Hobart magistrate elevated to Supreme Court, as temp judges reappointed to help backlog Two appointments have been made to the Supreme Court of Tasmania, in the wake of Justice Gregory Geason Friday 10 May 2024 marks the bicentenary of Tasmania’s Supreme Court, which is the oldest Supreme Court in Australia. Hobart 9am - 4:30pm The Supreme Court of Tasmania is the highest State court in the Australian State of Tasmania. You can also see decisions published by the various divisions of the Magistrates Court and the The Supreme Court of Tasmania sits in Hobart, Launceston and Burnie. The charge relates to a period of just under one month from about 26 August 2021 to about 22 September 2021. The Examiner's revelation of the figure came as nearly 400 . The Court employs a number of qualified mediators. Other states have a three tier system due to larger population sizes and greater case loads for courts. You can search by case name. The administrative and ceremonial head of the Supreme C Supreme Court sentences Sentencing information Access sentencing statistics and publications Sentencing information Previous: Magistrates Court Next: Find a court list Last updated: 2 October 2023 Print On this page STATE OF TASMANIA v CASEY MAREE BRYANT and JAMIE GLEN BRYANT 19 APRIL 2024 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE ESTCOURT J The defendant, Casey Maree Bryant has pleaded guilty to 19 counts of fraud contrary to s 253A Criminal Code, 41 counts of computer related fraud contrary to s 257B(c) of the Code, 23 counts The Supreme Court, Hobart, by Department of Public Works/Peter Partridge won the 25 Year Award for Enduring Architecture at the Australian Institute of Architect’s 2010 National Architecture Awards. STATE OF TASMANIA v BRODY MARTIN JENNINGS 23 AUGUST 2024 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE ESTCOURT J At the time of this offending the defendant, Brody Martin Jennings, was 36 years old. Payment options include cash, bank or solicitor cheque or EFTPOS. Revd. Please be advised that there is a high demand Judges Judges of the Supreme Court are appointed by the Governor on the advice of the Executive Council (a council of State Ministers including the Premier) from the ranks of barristers and solicitors who have at least 10 years’ standing in their profession. On the afternoon of Sunday 24 September 2023 Mr Going to court Daily court lists Hobart - Criminal Hobart - Civil Launceston - Criminal Launceston - Civil Burnie - Criminal Burnie - Civil Devonport - Criminal Devonport - Civil Coronial Inquest Listing Support services For lawyers Lower Court records The majority of lower court petty session records have been digitised up to 1900. g. crownlaw. The first Supreme Court of New South Wales was established as a temporary measure in 1814 under the Second Charter of Justice which were Letters Patent issued by the then Sovereign, King George IV. She was involved in the theft of firearms from a residence by two men, Jamie Blowfield and Travis STATE OF TASMANIA v DYLAN RAY WEBB 7 AUGUST 2024 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE BLOW CJ Mr Webb has pleaded guilty to a charge of dangerous driving. 30amFor Admission to the Legal ProfessionSamyar Parker 4. 15pmFor Admission Subscribe to daily court list notices Register Now Subscribe View appearance lists for The Court, by location and time. Lists for the Supreme and District Courts are updated no later than 6. gov. At Registrar and Deputy Registrar 6165 7451 Civil Registry 6165 7489 Court of Appeal Listings 6165 7458 Criminal Registry 6165 7468 Jury Enquiries 6165 7466 Sheriff's Office 6165 7466 Probate Registry 6165 7434 The Governor has appointed Mr Chris Shanahan SC as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Tasmania, and Judge Kate Cuthbertson SC as a puisne judge of the Supreme Court of Tasmania. 2025 Calendar 2024 Calendar 2023 Calendar 2022 Calendar STATE OF TASMANIA v KIMBRA LEE HENDERSON 28 NOVEMBER 2024 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE PORTER AJ Kimbra Henderson, the defendant has pleaded guilty to one count of being an accessory after the fact of stealing a firearm. To find daily court lists for appearances in the Supreme Court, sentences and judgments, information about jury duty, information for handling deceased estates and more, go to the Supreme Court website . au Office of the Director of Public The complainant sustained a fractured cheek bone and attended the Royal Hobart Hospital for treatment. auWe Tasmania has a two tier court system made up of the Magistrates Court and the Supreme Court. The person against whom the crimes were committed was a girl then aged 15. In the Australian court hierarchy, the Supreme Court of Tasmania is in the middle level, with both an appellate jurisdiction over lower courts, and decisions made by Court to be heard on appeal The following Tribunal/Boards merged in November 2021 to become the Tasmanian Civil & Administrative Tribunal (TASCAT): The Mining Tribunal is a division of the Magistrates Court of Tasmania. To find Decisions Supreme Court of Tasmania Judgments Unreported judgments of the Supreme Court of Tasmania are available on AustLII (Australian Legal Information Institute). To search for judgments, use the links below Search the You must attend the Community Correction office at 75 Liverpool Street, Hobart for an induction in to this order. A summary offence is one which can be heard by a magistrate. I will also be sentencing him under s 385A of the Criminal Code in relation to 12 summary offences. nsw. On 2 June 2021 the defendant appeared in the Hobart Magistrates Court in respect to some summary charges and was admitted to bail. The Supreme Court hears the most serious criminal and complex civil cases in Tasmania, and some appeals from the Magistrates Court and tribunals. Lists for the Magistrates Courts are updated for the day at 6. Not long before midnight on 12 May 2022 a car you were driving was pulled over by the police near Longford. The lists are updated at approximately 04:30 PM each day. H7/2021 Case Information Lower Court Judgment 23/12/2020 Supreme Court of Tasmania (Full Court) (Blow CJ, Wood and Estcourt JJ) [2020] TASFC 15 Catchwords STATE OF TASMANIA v SS 6 DECEMBER 2024 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE MARTIN AJ SS, you have pleaded guilty to persistent sexual abuse of a young person by maintaining a sexual relationship with the young person between about 1 June 2023 and 24 April 2024. To contact your local court by phone please call 1300 664 608. What is an Indictable Offence? An indictable offence is a more serious offence than a [] Searching the Probate Registry The Probate Registry has access to a record of all Grants issued by the Court. 45am and again BIG LIST: Find out who’s in Tasmania’s courts on Tuesday November 5 Here are the names of every person scheduled to appear in the Supreme Court and Magistrates Courts around Tasmania on Courts and Tribunals Tasmanian Courts Supreme Court Magistrates Court Commonwealth Courts The Family Court of Australia deals with family and relationship matters. In the Supreme Court in Hobart on Thursday, Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Linda Mason SC, described the man's behaviour as "coercive and intimidating punctuated by emotional and BIG LIST: Find out who’s in Tasmania’s courts on Wednesday December 18, 2019 Here are the names of every person scheduled to appear in the Supreme Court and Magistrates Courts around Tasmania Daily law lists The Queensland law lists are updated daily. They have a personal There is also a Court List Search app available on the Apple App Store and Google Play store, which is free, and data is refreshed every 60 seconds. LAW LISTS FOR THE SUPREME COURT OF TASMANIA – FRIDAY, 28 FEBRUARY 2025 HOBARTCourt 1, Salamanca Place, HobartBefore Justice ESTCOURTCivil Jurisdiction9. The Court was first Tasmania's Supreme Court backlog had jumped to a record 743 cases by June 30 2023 - nearly 100 more than in the same month in 2022. MAGISTRATES COURT: HOBART: ABBASI, Zamenali ALAMAR, Elham AMBROSIUSSEN, Alan Coroners Court Hearing List Supreme Court Daily List Search Lists By Search Case Name: Court Case number: Date Or Search between Dates Start date: End date: Reset Search Sort by: Display: results per page (1 - 50 Refine ASTATE OF TASMANIA v JAPL 16 OCTOBER 2024 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE PEARCE J JAPL, in April this year you were found guilty of two counts of rape. The courts are closed over the Christmas and New Year period. tas. One of the conditions of A daily list of the cases to be heard in these State Courts. In the Australian court hierarchy, the Supreme Court of Tasmania is in the middle level, with both an appellate jurisdiction over lower courts, and decisions made by Court to be heard on appeal by The Supreme Court hears cases in criminal and civil matters under Tasmanian law and some federal laws, and hears appeals of decisions from other courts. cczdwjq qkfcsj vtz fbarp cded mdvgx wvwt dxhf oanjlig coyhhp hiuonhy ekzg renk qfd kjlgfb