Spi in atmel studio Code Issues Pull requests IS25LP128 128Mb SPI Flash Module Arduino Library. 7 Advanced Debugging Techniques. SPSR – SPI Status Register – This is the status register. 5V target operation USB powered Provides both ARM Cortex embedded software for Atmel Flash MCUs: megaAVR, AVR XMEGA, AVR UC3 and SAM devices. 4 or later Atmel | SMART SAM V71 Xplained ULTRA The Atmel | SMART SAM V71 Xplained Ultra evaluation kit is a hardware platform to evaluate the ATSAMV71Q21 and other Atmel ARM Cortex-M7-based micro controllers in the SAM V70, SAM S70, and SAM E70 series. Atmel Studio is the integrated development platform (IDP) for developing and debugging Atmel | SMART Atmel-8528D-TPM-I2C-SPI-Development-Kit-UserGuide_052014 2 Features The TPM kit is a custom board containing an I2C TPM or SPI TPM and related circuitry connected to the SAM-ICE JTAG combined with the Atmel Studioand the Atmel Studio GCC C Complier can be utilized Quick facts. 1 AVR® UC3 Targets. Printing another program in c. To import the project in IAR, refer " Atmel START in IAR" , select Atmel Start Output in External Tools -> IAR. The fact that you are using SPI makes me think that you are using the MAX7456 IC or even the SparkFun On Screen Display Breakout which uses this same IC. I'm trying to write and debug a C program for an ATMega8 device using the Atmel Studio Simulator. it contains the bits to initialize SPI and control it. DGI enables bi-directional communication over SPI, I2C and USART, in addition to GPIO monitoring, power measurement and code profiling. Expanding Output Port with 74HC595 8-bit Shift Registers . Contribute to i350/ATMEGA328P-SD-Card-FAT32-SPI-ATMEL-Studio development by creating an account on GitHub. ADC in AVR ATmega16/ATmega32. c steht. Programming the ATmega328PB using the Boot Loader, FTDI adapter and Microchip Studio Microchip Studio The Atmel® Embedded Debugger (EDBG) is an onboard debugger for integration into development kits with Atmel MCUs. Basically, Atmel Studio leaves this open enough to customization, that with the press of a button, you can perform a full command line program call and deploy your firmware to the target microcontroller. Write better code with AI Security. microcontrollers with OCD support on either JTAG or debugWIRE interfaces Programming and debugging of all Atmel SAM ARM Cortex-M based. aWire, TPI, or SPI target interfaces and ARM Cortex-M based SAM microcontrollers using JTAG or SWD target interfaces. SPDR – SPI Data Register – The SPI Data Atmel AVR microcontroller programming using Atmel Studio 7. Atmel Studio - Free Atmel IDE for development of C/C++ and assembler code for Atmel microcontrollers. Once the slave select line goes low, data to be transmitted should be placed in the master’s SPI data register. Here is my WORKING Arduino IDE code: Code: // initialize SPI: SPI. 6. First, the Hardware. But still it require some JTAG (like SAM ICE )for If everything was successful, now you can program the microcontroller using the UART instead of SPI. AVR ATmega16/ATmega32 has an inbuilt 10-bit ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) to convert Analog voltage to a digital value. 7 Known Issues. Ethernet1 Xplained Pro connects to any D. Lcd8_Init() & Lcd4_Init() : These functions will initialize the 16×2 LCD module connected to the microcontroller pins defined by the following constants. exe Arguments: -C"C:\Program Files (x86)\arduino\hardware\tools\avr\etc\avrdude. In addition, the Power Debugger has two independent current sensing 3. Because the basic operation of SPI peripheral is a shift register, then we could simply use the 8-bit shift register with output latch to expand the output of Atmel START for both Atmel Studio 7 and IAR IDE. 17 SPI_MISO Master in slave out line of serial peripheral interface. También se conecta sin problemas a los depuradores y kits de desarrollo de Atmel. You can generate composite video Supports jtag, swd, pdi, tpi, awire, spi and debugwire interfaces full source level debugging in atmel studio supports all built in hardware breakpoints in the target microcontroller up to 128 software breakpoints target operating I was able to program it using Atmel Studio 7, being new to AVR programming I accidentally set the RSTDISBL fuse to 0 (has a default value of 1). How to print what's on the command line C. arduino-library spi • Programming (JTAG and SPI) and debugging of all AVR 8-bit microcontrollers on both JTAG and debugWIRE interfaces Atmel Studio installation a shortcut called Atmel Studio 7. Key Features. This library allows you to display text or/and graphic at oled-display. Atmel-42096C-EDBG_User Guide-10/2016 Ok, so suddenly printf is not working in AVR studio, i dont know what happened, this is the code, but it doesn't output anything to the debug window: #include <avr/io. When programming the AVR, the In-System Programmer Atmel AVR910: In-System Programming [APPLICATION NOTE] Atmel-0943F-In-System-Programming_AVR910_Application Note-11/2016 3. Find and fix vulnerabilities Actions. The Atmel Studio 7 IDP gives you a seamless and easy-to-use environment to write, build, and debug your applications written in C/C++ or assembly code. SPI transfers data at high speed data. Projects use Atmel Studio 7 IDE (Microchip Studio). 0. Features. 2 Atmel Data Protocol. 18. Examples use the ATSAMD21J18A MCU. - avr_libs/spi/spi. Automate any workflow Atmel Studio 7 is used as a front-end for the EDBG. Hardware Arduino MKR Zero - SPI, I2C and UART with Atmel Studio - sensidev/arduino-mkrzero-atmel-studio. hex/. 0 bootloader facility. 1188 The following changes are done in Atmel Studio 7. h zum Projekt GccApplication1 hinzufügen, so dass sie an der Stelle stehen, wo auch main. The Atmel® Embedded Debugger (EDBG) is an onboard debugger for integration into development kits with Atmel MCUs. Once you finish burning your program, remove the USB cable and connect it to another usb port on the board. We will use the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC), running within the Atmel Studio 7 IDE. The Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) consists of three wires: Serial ClocK (SCK), Master In – Slave Out (MISO), and Master Out – Slave In (MOSI). The SPI Programming (JTAG and SPI) and debugging of all Atmel AVR 8-bit. In addition to programming and debugging support through Atmel Studio, the EDBG offers data streaming capabilities between the host computer and the target MCU. Legal Disclaimer. 0 for simulation of SPI communication. 1. 2 or later – Software Package 1. The main thing to remember with it is it's full duplex and synchronous. Atmel Ethernet1 Xplained Pro [USER GUIDE] Atmel-42226A-Atmel-Ethernet1-Xplained-Pro-UserGuide_092014 5 Add a new Tool for Arduino Nano. 4 On-Chip Debugging. The code was written in Atmel Studio and is supposed to demonstrate the functionality of the SPI communication between two Arduino UNO/NANO. h at master · DavidDiPaola/avr_libs There are different protocols for serial communication between two deceives like, USART, SPI, I2C etc. The 5. Data Visualizer is an Atmel Studio extension used for processing and visualizing data. c und spi. 7. This page summarizes the key initialization and usage steps required for using peripheral interrupts in an application. RFID MFRC522 AVR library. 2. Supported Products: Atmel Studio 7. Atmel Studio is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for programming and debugging AVR and SAM applications with JTAG, aWire, SPI, PDI, TPI, and SWD interface selected in Windows ® environments. Star 1. . Track your application's run-time using a terminal graph or oscilloscope. This article will explore the hardware Atmel AVR Studio 4 for the coding and debugging environment; STK500 programmer from AVR Studio 4, using the AVRJazz Mega168 board STK500 v2. Bộ nhớ: 32KByte Flash, 1024 Byte EEPROM, SRAM nội 2KByte. The standard probe cable supports The SPI module may be clocked through the Power Management Controller (PMC), thus the user application must first configure the PMC to enable the SPI clock. conf" -v -patmega328p -carduino -PCOM5 • Programming (JTAG, SPI, UPDI) and debugging of all Microchip AVR 8-bit microcontrollers with OCD support on either JTAG, debugWIRE or UPDI interfaces MPLAB X IDE or Atmel Studio 7 for further information or to download the latest front-end software. The strength SPI can be used for serial data transfer between AVR ATMega16 microcontrollers. For 8 Bit Mode : #define D0 eS_PORTD0 #define D1 eS_PORTD1 #define D2 eS_PORTD2 #define D3 eS_PORTD3 #define D4 eS_PORTD4 #define D5 eS_PORTD5 #define D6 eS_PORTD6 Atmel Execute in Place (XIP) with Quad SPI Interface (QSPI) [APPLICATION NOTE] Atmel-44065A-Execute-in-Place-XIP-with-Quad-SPI-Interface-SAM-V7-SAM-E7-SAM-S7_Application Note-01/2016 4. To install Terminal for Atmel Studio , download this package and open it in IDE. Hardware 3. Create Projects: Create separate projects for the master, slave1, and slave2 scripts. In addition, the Power Debugger has two independent current sensing آموزش رایگان برنامه نویسی با Atmel Studio، به صورت گام به گام و تخصصی و با زبان فارسی، با تدریس بهنام زکی زاده قریه علی fusebit | sbi | sfr_defs | ساخت یک کنترلر وای فای | راه اندازی رابط سریال SPI | GPIO | راه Các chuẩn giao tiếp: USART, SPI, I2C. Supports JTAG, SWD, PDI, TPI, aWire, SPI and debugWIRE interfaces; Full source-level debugging in Atmel Studio Visit our repository of software libraries, code examples, IBIS and SPICE models, CAD/CAE symbols, QTouch Tools and more. Atmel Studio supports all 8- and 32-bit AVR, SAM3 and Open the IDE: Launch your preferred IDE (Eclipse or Atmel Studio). 1 MPLAB® X IDE and Atmel Studio. Title: Arduino NANO Command: C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\tools\avr\bin\avrdude. SPI interface up to 40MHz for high throughput Ethernet applications. 6 %âãÏÓ 1430 0 obj > endobj xref 1430 97 0000000016 00000 n 0000003021 00000 n 0000003156 00000 n 0000003288 00000 n 0000003326 00000 n 0000003741 00000 n 0000003890 00000 n 0000004034 00000 n 0000004073 00000 n 0000004436 00000 n 0000004847 00000 n 0000006013 00000 n 0000007864 00000 n 0000009686 00000 n The Atmel Studio 7 IDP gives you a seamless and easy-to-use environment to write, build, and debug your applications written in C/C++ or assembly code. Always implemented, bus type. (SPI) is used for programming the ATmega328P and the ATtiny45; it is a three-wire (plus ground) bus, consisting of a Master Out, Slave In (MOSI) signal, a Master In, Slave Out (MISO) signal, and a Serial Clock (SCK) signal. Atmel Studio comes with a lot sample projects for various eval boards. Atmel Studio Release Note • AVRSV-7741: Writing Flash or EEPROM with size of 0x100 or 0x1000 fails on ISP/SPI programming Atmel Studio 7. * {* } * {* * * * } * * -----®® ®®) * * * -----* * -----Atmel Contribute to alx741/avr-rfid-rc522 development by creating an account on GitHub. For that i installed an add-on Visual Micro for Atmel studio . Hot Network Questions How were complex structures built before Newtonian physics? Visa for 12 hours layover in Doha Run command on each line of CSV file, using fields in different places of the command Atmel-ICE - Microchip Technology This video describes how to connect a SPI display to a ATmega328p chip (no Arduino bootloader or code) using the excellent u8g2 library by Oli Kraus. If you decide to use Atmel Studio, you are bound to Windows, but don't need to handle the build process completely on your own. Enough said, Open Atmel Studio 6. The library need less 9 June 2018: Step by Step Instructions for Atmel Studio 7; 19 May 2018: ST7657 Transparent LCD ENH DG128064; 13 Apr 2018: SH1122 256x64 OLED; 2 Feb 2018: HX1230 96x68; The correct SPI modes are now supported and the ST7920 display finally works out of the box in hardware SPI mode (https: Atmel-ICE is a powerful development tool for debugging and programming Arm ® Cortex ®-M based Atmel SAM microcontrollers and also Atmel AVR ® microcontrollers with On-Chip Debug (OCD) capability. 4 SPI Implementation in SERCOM The SPI is single buffered when transmitting and double buffered when receiving. Once you have the . Is there a simper approach to upload and download the eeprom in Atmel Studio 6? The above lengthy procedure is too impractical if I need it often, and it provides no possibility to just download part SPI - Register Details: The AVR contains the following three registers that deal with SPI: SPCR – SPI Control Register – This register is basically the master register i. The 10-pin mini-squid cable should be used to connect between the Atmel-ICE AVR device connector port and the target board. Piccolo has a feature that allows it to boot through SPI connected EEPROM. exe. 0 arduino spi-interface button atmel-studio arduino-library spi led arduino-nano spi-communication c-language c-programming spi-protocol ardunio-uno. For AVR or SAM devices programmed with Atmel-ICE, use the "Device programming" option integrated in the Atmel Studio IDE or the command line utility An extension for a terminal window inside Atmel Studio providing serial port communication. 8 Connecting to a TPI Target. The following steps explain how to configure a project to be used with J-Link. 0 high-speed host interface • ITM serial trace capture up to 3MB/s • Supports DGI SPI and USART interfaces when not debugging or programming • Supports 10-pin 50-mil JTAG connector with both AVR and Cortex pinouts. Now you should have the files on your computer. For AVR or SAM devices programmed with Atmel-ICE, use the "Device programming" option integrated in the Atmel Studio IDE or the command line utility I'm trying to write and debug a C program for an ATMega8 device using the Atmel Studio Simulator. 4 Oscilloscope Example Code. Atmel-42096C-EDBG_User Guide-10/2016 Studio 7 es compatible con todos los MCU AVR y SMART. Sign in Product GitHub Copilot. 8 Release History and Known issues. ASF is ASF is integrated in the Atmel Studio IDE with a graphical user interface or available as standalone for GCC, IAR One of the coolest features of Atmel Studio is the support to external tools, like the AVRDUDE itself. 3. For AVR or SAM devices programmed with Atmel-ICE, use the "Device programming" option integrated in the Atmel Studio IDE or the command line utility called • Supports SPI clock frequencies from 8kHz to 5MHz • Supports SWD clock frequencies from 32kHz to 10MHz • USB 2. 6 Auto-Configuration Example Code. After trying to reprogram the board using SPI I found out that the RSTDISBL needs to have value 1. Click ‘Add’ to add a new Tool. 3 Graph Example Code. SPI pin function SS is driven by application software (not the SERCOM SPI peripheral), using pin PA13. 2 Terminal Example Code. The Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) allows high-speed synchronous data transfer between an Atmel® AVR® device and peripheral devices, or between several AVR devices. Atmel Studio 7 IDP le ofrece un entorno sencillo y fácil de usar para escribir, construir y depurar sus aplicaciones escritas en C / C ++ o código ensamblador. %PDF-1. application. Using an Atmel Studio project with J-Link. AVR microcontroller contains on chip SPI interface. It is probably rx_stop = fin_rx; //interrupt will use the global var rx_stop to stop reading the string Simple libraries to support programming Atmel's 8bit AVRs in C. 1 (or older version - the same effect) with atmega32 and 16MHz xtal, Oled displays SH1106 or SSD1306 - the same function #include "u8g. begin(); The programmer generates the necessary signals onto the MCU’s Serial Peripheral Interface SPI pins that engage and synchronize the MCU’s internal This application note describes how to set up and use the on-chip Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) of the Atmel® AVR® microcontroller. GPIO Ports and Registers in AVR ATmega16/ATmega32. The repository contains a Microchip Studio Solution with multiple projects inside: SPI initializing in Atmel studio. h. Advanced Software Framework 3 (ASF3) Example: Utilize automatically-generated drivers and pre-defined APIs using ASF3. Most AVR devices come with an on board SPI and can Atmel Studio is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for programming and debugging AVR and SAM applications with JTAG, aWire, SPI, PDI, TPI, and SWD interface selected in SPI is an incredibly simple protocol. In this tutorial we will learn how to utilize the Atmel AVR ATMega168 SPI peripheral to expand the ATMega168 I/O ports and to communicate between two microcontrollers with the SPI peripheral where one microcontroller is SPI can be used for serial data transfer between AVR ATMega16 microcontrollers. ATmega16/32 has four General Purpose Input Output ports for their I/O operations. Import Code: Import the corresponding script code into their respective Anyhow, we recommend to make sure that the latest version of the J-Link software is installed and the DLL in Atmel Studio is updated to the latest version. Skip to content This repository contains examples of bare metal source code for Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) as described in TB3215-Getting Started with Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) document from Microchip. 2 debugWIRE Targets. Updated Mar 25, 2023; C; DanaClarkeIII / IS25LP128. The hex files were generated Use the adapter board (included in some kits) to connect to a standard 50-mil SPI header. Du hast sie zur übergeordneten Solution (das ist die Zusammenfassung mehrerer Projekte) hinzugefügt. Atmel Studio IDE also gives developers a seamless and easy-to-use environment to write, build and debug user applications written in C/C++ or assembly code. Connection to a Custom 100-mil Header. Completely free and Open Source (including firmware) Programs PIC10-12-16-18-24, dsPIC30-33, ATMEL AVR (serial and HV serial programming), serial memories like 24xxxx (I2C), 25xxx (SPI), 93xx6 (MicroWire), DS24xx (OneWire), 11xxx (UNIO), communicates with generic I2C & SPI devices (see supported devices); Can work as ICD Programming (JTAG and SPI) and debugging of all Atmel AVR 8-bit microcontrollers with OCD support on either JTAG or debugWIRE interfaces Consult the supported devices list in the Atmel Studio User Guide for a full list of devices and interfaces supported by this firmware release. The C-code of a master and slave that communicate over SPI. 3 Interrupt The SPI module has an interrupt line connected to the Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC). e. Once you have added those files in the project, the IDE might be able to compile them as they do not require any specific There is an old forum thread from almost 3 years ago describing this problem, with a hint that the feature from AVR Studio 4 will soon be added. Navigation Menu Toggle navigation. 6 Example Code Snippets. For example, let's say I'm trying to debug this piece of code: In addition, Atmel Studio 7 IDE (Integrated Development Environment) will also be introduced. If the slave needs to send data to the master then it is up to the LCD Tutorial for University/hobbyist projects. TI documentation specifies that if the SPI is connecting to device other than EEPROM, the device should emulate EEPROM. Tất nhiên nó được SAM D21 interrupt operation must be carefully initialized by the application developer. srec) on Arduino Due board. 7 Connecting to an SPI Target. h" u8g_t u8g AVR development WITHOUT Atmel Studio seems to be easier on a Linux machine, but is not impossible in Windows. When you're using SPI on AVR ATmega in the master mode, the SS pin, although it is not used directly by the SPI module, should be always configured as output, otherwise, I can successfully program the chip in Atmel Studio, by using a batch file which loads bosssa. Now I cannot enter programming mode using Atmel Studio. Atmel-ICE [USER GUIDE] 42330A-MCU-07/2014 2 How to set AVR to emulate EEPROM over SPI? I would like to boot my TI's Piccolo from Atmel AVR AR32UV3A0512 via SPI port. SPI communication in slave will not happen until the SPI Slave select line (_SS) is driven low by the master. Atmel AVR319: Using the USI Module for SPI Communication on tinyAVR and megaAVR Devices – Atmel Studio 6. This register is used to read the status of the bus lines. I have a source code which i build in Atmel studio project . 0 (version number depending on the specific Atmel Studio version installed) Command Prompt was created in the Atmel folder on the Start menu. Serial Port communicates with any serial port Function in lcd. The Microchip Web Site. For example, let's say I'm trying to debug this piece of code: میکروکنترلر AVR با اتمل استودیو (Atmel Studio) چیست؟ میکروکنترلر AVR که توسط شرکت Atmel تولید شده است، یک میکروی پر کاربرد و متداول است که برای برنامهنویسی آن میتوان از کامپایلر رایگان و قدرتمند اتمل استودیو (Atmel Studio) استفاده Programming (JTAG and SPI) and debugging of all Atmel AVR 8-bit microcontrollers with OCD support on either JTAG or debugWIRE interfaces Consult the supported devices list in the Atmel Studio User Guide for a full list of devices and interfaces supported by this firmware release. 62 to 5. Now i need to flash this binary (. From what I read from the project, the only thing you need to do is add all the source files to your project in Atmel Studio 7 (I don't know how to do it, i never used it). This is a tutorial to show you how read, write and erase from the serial flash device on the Atmel SAM D21 Xplained Pro board, using SPI (Serial Peripheral I • Programming (JTAG and SPI) and debugging of all AVR 8-bit microcontrollers on both JTAG and debugWIRE interfaces Atmel Studio installation a shortcut called Atmel Studio 7. Atmel-ICE [USER GUIDE] 42330A-MCU-07/2014 2. Timer in AVR (SD Card) ATMEL-Studio Project for ATMEGA328P. 8 Document Revision History. I used Atmel Studio and Proteus Design Suite 8. Connect OLED1 Xplained Pro to an Xplained Pro MCU board and connect a USB cable to the 16 SPI_MOSI Master out slave in line of serial peripheral interface. I need to interface a module to this board using SPI protocol. SERCOM SPI: SERCOM SPI Master Example: GCC Project: SERCOM I2C: SERCOM I2C Slave Example: Atmel Studio is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for programming and debugging AVR and SAM applications with JTAG, aWire, SPI, PDI, TPI, and SWD interface selected in Windows ® environments. Fully compatible with Atmel Studio Du musst spi. Contribute to alx741/avr-rfid-rc522 development by creating an account on GitHub. 0. This port is the Atmel-ICE is a powerful development tool for debugging and programming Atmel ARM Cortex-M based Atmel SAM and AVR microcontrollers with on-chip debug capability. Both Atmel Studio 7 (now Microchip Studio) and MPLAB ® X IDE support the Atmel-ICE. In your C program, initialize the serial port (there are other examples in the Atmel studio which show how to do this), and use "printf" statements to print the value of the desired variables to the serial port. The ATmega328P is a 28-pin microcontroller from Atmel and is part of the AVR line. Arduino MKR Zero - SPI, I2C and UART with Atmel Studio - sensidev/arduino-mkrzero-atmel-studio. The user LED and LED0, is driven by this application and is connected to port PB30, while the SPI pin functions SCK, MOSI, and MISO are connected to pins PB23, PB22, and PB16 respectively. 5 Dashboard Example Code. I have used the U8g2 Library, https://github. 9 Connecting to an SWD Target. And fill the text boxes as below. (SD Card) ATMEL-Studio Project for ATMEGA328P. Launch Atmel Studio. Always No Atmel Studio cannot simulate SPI. In addition, Atmel Studio 7 IDE (Integrated Development Environment) will also be introduced. In Atmel Studio 6 war das sehr gut versteckt, vielleicht ist im Studio 7 immer noch so: Wenn Du im Solution Explorer Hello, im use Atmel Studio 7 and u8g library 1. Automate any workflow I am working on Arduino Due board. h> #include <stdio. 👉 Phần mềm Atmel Studio Đây là 1 IDE của hãng Atmel để lập trình các dòng chip AVR của họ. Handling the. h Key Features Supports JTAG, SWD, PDI, TPI, aWire, SPI and debugWIRE interfaces Full source-level debugging in Atmel Studio Supports all built-in hardware breakpoints in the target microcontroller (number depends on the OCD module in the target) Up to 128 software breakpoints 1. 1188: • Added support for new AVR8X architecture • Installer improvements Download Atmel Studio. Before selecting any communication protocol, data transfer [[wysiwyg_imageupload::]]rate is an important parameter. Library for oled-displays with SSD1306, SSD1309 or SH1106 display-controller connected with I2C or SPI at an AVR Atmel Atmega like Atmega328P. hex file created, you can upload it via the SPI pins (SCK, MOSI, MISO, Reset, Power Anyhow, we recommend to make sure that the latest version of the J-Link software is installed and the DLL in Atmel Studio is updated to the latest version. Skip to content. Three connections are required, as described in Table: Atmel-ICE debugWIRE Pin Mapping. atzip file and the project will be imported to Atmel Studio 7. Double click the downloaded . 2 Command-Line Utility. Supported by the Atmel Studio 3. 42290A-MCU-05/2014. com/olikraus/u8g2. 10 Connecting to Data Gateway Interface. 1 Data Polling Example Code. The following is a tutorial on using the ST7920 LCD with the ATmega328 microcontroller using Atmel Studio via the SPI interface. ljyqo mbi dqnyeg ofzdfvu dvqu lmqvvq tgq fln quzg cxx ylvtbi hjla cegugx iggju ckmsni