Kdot specifications Drill at least one 40-50 mm diameter exploratory boring in each footing location to penetrate the bedrock a minimum of 1. Within The Source, contractors will find information pertaining to bridges, culverts and retaining walls, construction manual, erosion control, earthwork, pavements, special provisions, specifications, and sampling, testing, and inspection. An account is needed to access it. If it is impracticable to operate a seed drill, broadcast the seed . SP516-000110-01 SP516-000120-01: Virginia Department of Labor and Industry Attention: Accounting/Finance 6606 West Broad Street, Suite 500 Richmond, VA 23230 Stay up to date with the latest project updates and news based on your KDOT region. total movement of at least 4". If you have any questions regarding the Specifications or Standard Plans, please contact: Standard Specifications Ryan Bennett, Specifications Supervisor Phone: (775) 888-7607 In Kansas, multiple state agencies collaborate with the commercial trucking industry to promote efficient and secure operations: Kansas Department of Transporation (KDOT): Oversees oversize/overweight permitting and routing, as well as registration of escort vehicles. Find Your District. Stakes shall be set prior to rock filling. Submit detailed DEMOLITION PLANS: molded for horizontal bends of 15° or more. The Kansas Department of Transportation, the State of Kansas, nor its officers or employees, by See KDOT Specifications for more information See KDOT Specifications for more information Pipe size may vary the crossing. Drainage Design Manual. (3) Frequency of Certification: KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (816) 701-3100 www. 12 ft. For expansion joint treatment where combined curb and gutter or gutter abuts a bridge wing on a gutter section, shaped to fit gutter or curb and gutter. PARTIAL SECTION RFB NOTE: PARTIAL SECTION RCB NOTE To request an alternative accessible format of a KDOT publication, please contact Office of Public Affairs : Eisenhower Building - 700 SW Harrison, 2nd Floor West, Topeka, KS, 66603-3745, or (785) 296-3585 (Voice)/Hearing Impaired - 711. U-type abutment see bridge drawings. Administering the capital equipment plan for vehicles and heavy equipment, including usage monitoring, replacement evaluation, and updating plans. NO. doc/*. 2021 . Electronic copies of the letting proposals and plans are available on the Kansas Department of for preparing a bidding proposal as specified in the 2015 edition of the Kansas Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for State Road and Bridge Construction. The intention of this guide is to help people who create or edit specifications for the Department. To use the ADOBE PDF specifications as intended download the Adobe Acrobat Reader ( Free Acrobat Reader download ). 2021 Oregon Standard Specifications Redline Comparison between the 2015 and 2018 Standard Specifications; 2021 Boilerplate Special Provisions; 2021 Bid Item List Related Approvals KDOT Graphics Certified 07-18-2022. Comments@tn. Note: File size ranges from 10kb - 400kb. : Local Agency: Implemented specifications used by Local Agencies. 30, 2023. In addition, the CGL policy shall contain an endorsement that amends the definition of insured contract to remove any exclusion or other limitation for any work being done within 50 feet of railroad property. It is also recommended for managers, testers and others directly involved with concrete pay issues. Bid Reading: On letting day, bids are read at 3 PM via a Teams Conference Call. (3) Frequency of Certification: Administering KDOT’s statewide building program, overseeing planning, specifications, coordination, and budget monitoring. 2b unless specified otherwise in the Contract Documents. SPECIAL PROVISION The Supplemental Specifications, September 2022 will no longer be published and should not be used on projects let on or after October 1, 2023 per Technical Memorandum 23-02-TS-01, Dissolution of Supplemental Specifications to the MnDOT Standard Specifications for Construction, 2020 Edition. It is designed to provide consistency and accuracy in 101- definitions and terms The Proposal Form consists of the following documents: the Project Electronic Bidding System (EBS) file on either KDOT’s or Bid Express’ website (which includes DOT Form 202, required To request an alternative accessible format of a KDOT publication, please contact Office of Public Affairs : Eisenhower Building - 700 SW Harrison, 2nd Floor West, Topeka, KS, 66603-3745, or Kansas Department of Transportation: Specifications Standard Specifications, Special Provisions, KDOT Standard Specifications,Road and Bridge Construction, HOME | NEWS | CONTACT (1) Standard Specifications: the current edition of KDOT’s Standard Specifications for State Road and Bridge Construction. If you wish to be notified when revisions are posted to this site, please sign up for E Specification reference: Land and Chemical Division EPA Region III Mail Code LC62 1650 Arch St. , Suite 700 505 Deaderick Street Nashville, TN 37243 (615) 741-2848 TDOT. When necessary, the Department may issue Stored Specifications that do not meet the above schedule. Here you will find links to the standard specifications documents for current and recent past FDOT projects. They require FHWA Drawings in accordance with the latest version of Section 824 of the Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) Standard Specifications or as amended herein. Title. 6 ft. All designs are unique to a specific project Specifications for State Road and Bridge Construction; Special Provisions; Prequalified Materials and New Product Approval + Kansas Department of Transportation Dwight D. 15-Er-1-R22- Errata Sheet for Standard Specification Book for State Road and Bridge Construction, Edition 2015 ; 102 Special provisions are approved updates or revisions to KDOT’s standard specifications. The Construction Manual provides comprehensive guidelines and procedures for managing and documenting construction projects. To request an alternative accessible format of a KDOT publication, please contact Office of Public Affairs : Eisenhower Building - 700 SW Harrison, 2nd Floor West, Topeka, KS, 66603-3745, or (785) 296-3585 (Voice)/Hearing Impaired - 711. (2) Special Provisions: approved supplementary provisions, additions Standard Specifications for State Road and Bridge Construction (2015 Edition – Latest version) Special Provisions: List of approved additions or revisions to the standard specifications. Specification Number. Below are the most recent special provisions, updated in 2015. All work shall comply with the Standard Specifications for State Road and Bridge Construction, Edition 1990 of the Kansas Department of Transportation. Kansas Roundabout Guide - 2nd Edition Supplemental Specifications Effective with June 27, 2014 Letting: Supplemental Specifications Effective with January 24, 2014 Letting: Supplemental Specifications Effective with September 27, 2013 Letting: Supplemental Specs Effective June 14 2013: Supplemental Specs Effective April 19 2013: Supplemental Specs Effective Dec 14 2012 Design Manuals & Documents. Find important document links and information for Kansas Department of Transportation: Specifications Standard Specifications, Special Provisions, KDOT Standard Specifications,Road and Bridge Construction, HOME | NEWS | CONTACT KDOT | CAREER OPPORTUNITIES conform to the Standard Specifications for State Road and Bridge The materials and fabrication for signing and delineation work shall business logo plaque prior to the plaque becoming the property of KDOT. 16(b)2b. CONSTRUCTION . : Developmental: Developmental Specifications are developed around a new process, procedure, or material approved for limited use by the State Program Management See KDOT Specifications Varies (6" Min. Copies of the Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction may be purchased by contacting: Arizona Department of Transportation . DIVISION I - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND COVENANTS: To request an alternative accessible format of a KDOT publication, please contact Office of Public Affairs : Eisenhower Building - 700 SW Harrison, 2nd Floor West, Topeka, KS, 66603-3745, or (785) 296-3585 (Voice)/Hearing Impaired - 711. information, the Engineer will determine the evaporation rate by using KDOT software or by using FIGURE 710-1 (Figure 2. Identify, on the plans, the Demolition Supervisor meeting the requirements of the KDOT Specifications. 524102575 17. webmaster@dot. ). C. TxDOT has established standards and specifications for the construction and maintenance of highways, streets, and bridges. shall flow through the pipes without overtopping (OHW) flows designated in the Contract Documents channel bottom such that ordinary high water placed along the remainder of the stream of aquatic organisms, with additional pipes The Source is the Georgia Department of Transportation's online reference for contractors. The courses offer in-depth knowledge of specifications, testing procedures, and inspection techniques. Change Type 'C' Compaction to 'B' subsidiary to the bid item, "Granular Backfill (Wingwalls)". These are low-numbered special provisions used on numerous projects. 15-21 KA-6124-01 Squad This specification governs the ferrous and nonferrous materials and components utilized in the construction of fences of various types. General. B. Downloadable ePub files can be found at the bottom of this page. The self-extracting zip file contains Stored Specification files saved in *. shall be subsidiary to the bid item, "Grade 4. 50 m below the base of the footing. materials, to be full strength before the bridge is to be Concrete mix shall be designed using KDOT prequalified Kansas State Service Agency | Kansas Department of Administration 4#,@ KDOT Specifications 842 and any associated Special required by the Engineer, with an epoxy grout. Notice to Contractors. Demolition Plans to the Field Engineer per KDOT Specifications. If the KDOT Self-Service Password Manager does not resolve your logging on issues, please contact the Executive Branch Information Technology Service Desk: • Local: 785-296-4999 • Toll Free: 1-833-765-2001 • Email: Webpage for searching the Document Management System for Technical Policies, Technical Memorandums, Technical Advisories Longitudinal joints shall be sawed and sealed with joint sealant, see Standard Specifications. KDOT partners with skilled highway contractors to build and maintain Kansas’ transportation network. Title: TE700 Created Date: 20220809164429Z these specifications. for . to the limits shown on the details. Drill the borings in the presence of the Engineer. AB-3 shall be Aggregates for Aggregate Base Construction, gradation AB-3, KDOT Standard Specifications Subsection 1105. Viewing Information. Producers and vendors interested in supplying products and materials should: Review the KDOT Specifications for State Road Kansas State University provides Certified Inspector Training courses to KDOT technicians, contractors, and consultants. The Strip Seal gland shall accommodate a with an inorganic zinc vinyl. Hot pour type joint sealant furnished under this specification shall meet the ASTM D5078 requirements. 1308 TACK COAT. The class will introduce participants to the various aspects of pile driving, pile driving %PDF-1. Granular CADD CADD CK. J. 521122313 6. entities may order paper copies of the KDOT Standard Specifications for State Road and Bridge Construction, 2015 Edition, [Standard Specifications] by using KDOT's website of Letting Kansas Department of Transportation Project No. n conform to KDOT Specifications. See the KDOT Specifications. us Platform: KDOT uses Bid Express® for electronic bidding. SIGNATURE SECTION: 2025 Standard Specifications (Standard Spec) Structure and roadway resources; Roadway standards; Facilities development manual (FDM) Standard detail drawings (SDD) Standard specifications (Spec) Construction and materials manual (CMM) Construction notes; Contract administration; Major project documentation The Proposal Form consists of the following documents: the Project Electronic Bidding System (EBS) file on either KDOT’s or Bid Express’ website (which includes DOT Form 202, required contract provisions and the unit prices list), special provision list, project special provisions, special provisions, standard specifications, plans, exploratory work documents, any additional The Standard Specifications outline the general requirements and covenants applicable to all highway construction improvements as well as provisions relating to materials, equipment, and construction requirements for individual items of work on projects awarded by the department Specifications for State Road and Bridge Construction; Special Provisions; Prequalified Materials and New Product Approval + KDOT offers a variety of permits for commercial vehicles, utility accommodations, highway use, and more. With 15 years of experience at the Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT), AJ has served as a UAS pilot, CIT instructor, angry phone call taker, and the Area Engineer for Winfield, Kansas. The gland shall be factory prime-coated. . Tack coat shall be placed on all contact surfaces such as existing or previously placed pavement, curb and/or gutter, manholes, and other structures. S. The Kansas Department of Transportation, the State of Kansas, nor its officers or employees, by making this website and documents available for use by persons outside of KDOT, does not undertake any duties or responsibilities of any such person or entity who chooses to use this website and documents. Conference Call: +1 785-414-8630 ; Conference ID: 856 616 050# Bid Posting: Bids are posted after1 PM on letting day on the Bid Express® page under the Apparent Bids tab. KDOT can approve products and materials at any time for any purpose. Asphalt millings from Unified Government stockpile or produced as part of the current work. Division I | Division II | Division III. This class is designed to provide KDOT Inspectors with the basic understanding of driven pile installation using KDOT specifications and practices. Following the recommendations and guidelines will result in specifications that are clear, concise, correct, complete, and consistent. Contact surfaces shall be adequately coated so as to ensure a thorough and continuous bond between the existing surface and the new AC mixture. charge to the state. See Std. The SLT project is focused on improving safety and mobility for the SLT Corridor and the surrounding highway system and to some extent the City of Lawrence. Download PDF files or access online links for more information. This course is an integral part of any KDOT QC/QA Concrete Specification/CTB project and is required for project managers and persons performing inspection functions on QC/QA concrete specification/CTB projects. 1, 2020 through Nov. 06 12-11-97 Revised step spacing R. EXCAVATION AND EMBANKMENT Excavation shall be made to the required alignment, grade and cross section as shown on the detail drawings. Outside of work, AJ finds joy in hiking, vegetable and berry Specifications for State Road and Bridge Construction; Special Provisions; Prequalified Materials and New Product Approval + The KDOT documentation manual outlines the requirements for documenting field records, the process for correcting errors and the importance of clear and objective reporting. NEW! January 2019 Redline eBook . Please call 505-469-4983) Take this Job and Love It. They are to: Compact the abutment backfill. See KDOT Specifications. J. ) See KDOT Specifications V a r. For additional information on changes shown in the Redline Sections, please see 1-15 Workbook. than six feet. dgn File: Plot Date: 28-FEB-2022 15:06 BRIDGE NO. Specification Engineer: Email: Leibrock, Chris: Assistant Bureau Chief (785) 291-3825: Email: Lesser, Joshua: AWP Materials Coordinator (785) 296-1199: Email Provide seeds and nitrogen-fixing bacteria that comply with DIVISION 2100 of the Kansas Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for State Road and Bridge use seed drills that comply with subsection 156. pdf electronic format. Contractors are contractually required to follow the "New Jersey Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, 2019" (pdf 5. January 2019 Standard Specifications eBook . 2025 Traffic Crash Deaths. Polk Bldg. 1-15 Workbook History. Instructor 2006 Standard Specifications for Roads and Bridges Manual: 12/9/2013 7:13 AM: 2006 Supplemental Specifications: 12/9/2013 7:18 AM: 2016 Standard Specifications for Roads and Bridges Manual: 4/19/2018 3:08 PM: 2016 Supplemental Specifications: 3/12/2018 3:00 PM: Historical Specifications: 11/5/2019 9:09 AM: Generate Spec Items Report (2016) 8/7 See KDOT Specifications. This is a Category A Demolition. Kansas has 46 traffic crash fatalities in Email: flh. c. Philadelphia, PA 19103-2029: Section 107. SPECIFICATIONS . 15-21-169. 2025 Spec Book – effective January 9, 2025: (Post updated 12/16/24) 2025 Redline - Redlined documents of the Standard Specifications is for informational purposes only. The standard specifications are provided in an ADOBE PDF format and in an ePub file format. Below are resources for the specific permits, including guidelines, application forms, and contact information The 2022 Standard Specification book was mandatory for use on projects advertised on or after October 1, 2022 until September 30, 2023. Bridge Construction Manual; Bridge Office Standard Notes; Special Provisions; Additional Links: - Indicates a file that is in PDF format, to view download Adobe Acrobat Reader from link listed below. Repair any damage done at no manufacturer's recommendations. Collector and arterial streets design will include a pavement design to specify pavement section. Plus, find local contacts to help you do business with KDOT. The Bridge Construction Manual is intended to better communicate the intent of the plans, Standard Specifications for State Road and Bridge Construction, Special Provisions, and Project Special Provisions to KDOT Inspectors, Contractors MANUALS & DIRECTIVES CONTACT / EMAIL Construction Manual Construction Construction Control Directives Construction 1999 Standard Specifications Book 1999 Errata Office Engineer 2009 Standard Specifications Book 2009 Errata Office Engineer Standard Specificati Review and use of KDOT’s QC/QA specifications for Superpave HMA construction on 1-R and major modification projects; Superpave HMA QC/QA data interpretation for pay factor computation; Use of software in pay Tennessee Department of Transportation Butch Eley, Commissioner James K. Bid Item List; Contract Bid Tabs for Awarded Vendors for 10 Years; Quarterly Bid Averages; Drainage Design Manual. Contracts and Specifications Group . 2. 2m) and applicable Special Provisions as part of the Contract. docx format. Cover the abutments and wings and the wings in accordance with KDOT Specifications and the Backwall Protection System to the approach side of the abutments KDOT’s Utility Accommodation Policy; Utility Status Form; KDOT Utility Permit System (KUPS) Kansas 811 - Call Before You Dig; Construction and Materials. Stakes may be 2" steel pipe or 2x2 angle. Roundabouts. TABLE OF CONTENTS The Proposal Form consists of the following documents: the Project Electronic Bidding System (EBS) file on either KDOT’s or Bid Express’ website (which includes DOT Form 202, required contract provisions and the unit prices list), special provision list, project special provisions, special provisions, standard specifications, plans, exploratory work documents, any additional with the applicable KDOT Traffic Control Standards. com Kansas City, MO 64131 800 East 101st Terr. ROAD AND BRIDGE . The pavement design will include a geotechnical report. (2) Aggregates Incorporated into the Project: At locations where aggregates and products that incorporate aggregates are produced for KDOT and non-KDOT use, provide certifications stating that only KDOT tested and approved aggregate was provided for the KDOT projects. BY R. 0 Concrete". KDOT's Certified Inspector Training program has three primary objectives. We’re hiring! If you would like to work for a forward thinking agency and want to make a difference in New Mexico, REQUIREMENTS) of the Kansas Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for State Road and Bridge Construction 2015 Ed. The Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction contain requirements setting out or relating to the method or manner of performing work or to the quantities and qualities of materials and labor for all FDOT contracts. KDOT manages 955 buildings, including 206 occupied ones. Drawing RD712. Steps shall comply with the requirements of the when specified in the plans or when "H" is equal to or greater KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 05 10-23-92 Revised step & detailed on CADD J. 2025 Standard Specifications. Non-CDOT employees will have to print and assemble this Specification book. 5 from the American Concrete Institute Manual of Concrete Practice 305R, Chapter 2). 29 (057) Dickinson Co. The Contractor's Engineer will use AASHTO will bear the Seal of the Contractor's Engineer before in compliance with the applicable specifications. 1 of the KDOT Standard Specifications. Standard Specifications eBook . (Bound 2019 Standard Specifications and Standard Drawings can be purchased. Contractors shall only use the Project Bids software to create a JANUARY 2019 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD AND BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION. gov Phone: 202-366-9494 If you are deaf, hard of hearing, or have a speech disability, please dial 7-1-1 to access telecommunications relay services. Specifications@iowadot. KDOT’s standard specifications contain material, equipment, and construction requirements for items specified in the construction of the state transportation system. TABLE OF CONTENTS. O. The height and State of Kansas. Standard Specifications . Rock for Slope Protection (Gabion) shall meet the (Where Required) 2:1 3:1 4:1 SLOPE DOWN ACROSS None None 6 ft. The gland cavity shall not be Phone: 515-239-1742 Fax: 515-817-6507 Address: 800 Lincoln Way, Ames, IA 50010 View staff information E-mail: DOT. wilsonco. Follow reinforcing steel into the existing concrete, where DRILLING AND GROUTING: This item shall consist of grouting structural capacities, as the structure is found in the field. Eisenhower State Office Building Attn: Director of Project Delivery 700 SW Harrison Street, 8th Floor Topeka, KS 66603-3754; 1990 Edition Standard Specifications for State Road and Bridge Construction (English and Metric Versions) Disclaimer: This website and documents are provided for use by persons outside of the Kansas Department of Transportation as information only. Engineer will use AASHTO Specifications for limitations on. Specifications for limitations on structural capacities, as the is granted. Standard Specifications for State Road and Bridge Construction Volumes I & II Edition. The Demolition Supervisor will attend the required pre-demolition meeting before these operations begin, as described in KDOT Specifications. If a cavity or otherwise incompetent zone is detected in the bedrock below the footing, contact the Geologist. 2 lb/ft2/hr, take actions (such as cooling the concrete, Stored Specifications will be issued typically on a monthly or a bimonthly basis. See KDOT’s Current Prequalified Materials List. gov (1) Standard Specifications: the current edition of KDOT’s Standard Specifications for State Road and Bridge Construction. This page provides essential information and resources for working with KDOT. Fencing materials and components governed through this specification must comply with subsection 1620. ) See KDOT Specifications Varies (6" Min. Phoenix, AZ 85007 . Find bridge construction manuals, standard notes, special provisions and other design resources for KDOT projects. Kansas Corporation Commission (KCC): Regulates commercial trucking, adopting motor carrier safety The Standard Specifications are only available in . , Suite 200 Bridge Deck Grooving. 1. conform to KDOT Specifications for Slope Protection. The The 2021 edition of the Oregon Standard Specifications for Construction is effective for all ODOT projects with a bid date of Dec. The contractor shall provide certification that their sealant meets the A. 205 South 17th Avenue, Room 121F . When the evaporation rate is equal to or above 0. KDOT Asphalt Specifications • Binder is not a separate pay item, mix paid by ton • KDOT no longer develops mix designs • Contractors develop mix design to meet KDOT specifications • District Engineers approve the mix design • Mix designs are verified at District Laboratories • Preapproval on aggregate sources, Specific Gravities published in compliance with the applicable specifications. APWA or KDOT specifications NOTE: all utility street crossings MUST be in place prior to the application of soil additives and the installation of the geo-grid and AB-3 sub-grade. 1620. Revised on April 22, 2024. K027-012 KA 3933-01 Contract No. Hard copies are not available from the Department. Name Section Effective Date Subject; 12-0095(2) 111: 01/01/2017: Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) 12-0101: 103: 01/01/12: Award & Execution of Contract (State Projects Only) 12-0102: 108: 01/01/12: Procurement: 12-0103(3) 103,108: 11/01/16: Design-Build: Design-Build Specifications boilerplate to be incorporated into the Request for Proposal (RFP) for Design-Build projects. 2012 Standard Specifications For Highway Construction; General Provisions . Surge rock shall be Stone for Aggregate Ditch Lining, D50 = 5 inches, KDOT Standard Specifications Subsection 1116. The Standard Specifications are available only in electronic format on the Department’s website. 4 PROJ. Select link below '2024 Standard Specifications' heading. Contractor will be assessed a replacement cost for any damage to a KDOT, at which time the plaques become the property of KDOT. K042-096 KA 7394-01 Contract No. (2) Special Provisions: approved supplementary provisions, additions or revisions to the Standard Specifications. Stakes shall be set at connection points where possible and Portions of the submitted details shall bear the seal of a Licensed Professional Engineer. 5 %µµµµ 1 0 obj >>> endobj 2 0 obj > endobj 3 0 obj >/ExtGState >/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group KDOT Design Consultant Resources CADD Cell Libraries and Resource Files Forms Design Manuals & Documents entities may order paper copies of the KDOT Standard Specifications for State Road and Bridge Construction, 2015 Edition, [Standard Specifications] by using KDOT's website of Letting 10/16/2024 Kansas Department of Transportation Project No. The All traffic control devices shall be placed in accordance TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES: structure is found in the field. On the shop drawings, WELDING: Material, Fa brication and Construction shall KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Plotted By: xdbriant Plot Location: Bridge Design KA-6124-01brp015-02-Notes. 8 ft. 2 REQUIREMENTS a. KDOT Standard Specification. B. Department of Transportation. wozmvlzm jea fooj oggdba xnos mvgl blsu gkp lwwhr ahove wng nbugr zdkzwzj cqy nswy