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Deconz windows. I've found info about script ikea-ota-download.

Deconz windows py but don't know how to deal with it via windows 10. Nach dem Anstecken des ConBee II startet Windows automatisch die Suche nach einem passenden Treiber. GCF (163244 bytes) flash firmware connect \\. Here is a trick to manage this. Files looks like this: 159694-TRADFRI-bulb-ws-gu10-1. bin. And in the GUI ConBee II doesn`t join the network. Write better code with AI Security. To update the stick, I have to plug it into another machine and use their a community docker container. Works perfectly fine, although deCONZ runs permanently minimized. Company; Research; Product catalog; Contact; Skip navigation. 0. Each time I reboot my raspberry pi, I do need to type deCONZ to make it start, anyway to make it start automatically after reboot? #1269. On a windows 10 PC download the latest deCONZ for Windows setup file and install it. deCONZ Installation starten. I installed the deCONZ App and i see my Nodes in my Network. exe 25-Jul-2020. Sign in Product GitHub Copilot. I just tried for several hours to get a ConBee stick to work (primarily tested with deCONZ 2. ConBee III / deCONZ / Phoscon App Phoscon App. Only when a firmware upgrade is pending it will wait for the button to be pressed. deConz app says frequency band is 2400 I also tryied to copy/paste specific json file in to different folder (AppData\Local\dresden-elektronik\deCONZ and also in C:\Program Files (x86)\deCONZ\devices\xiaomi) I tryied to reboot in order to rescan devices with new json file. deCONZ Software herunterladen. 1: 347: February 2, 2023 Insta/Nexentro Blinds Actuator Mini. I have a new Windows PC and i want to restore my ConBee II (deCONZ) Data. de/win. exe-Datei auswählen und ausführen. 9: 1540: May 29, 2023 Compteur d'energie DDS238-2 Zigbee. 1. I correctly saw "alarm1" tick and untick when I approach magnet deCONZ for windows 10 and my stick shows up when trying to connect then drops out after a few secs and then tries to reconnect etc etc. deconz: The name you want the built Docker image to have on your system (default: deconz). The following debug levels need to be enabled for proper logging: INFO, INFO_L2, ERROR, ERROR_L2, APS, APS_L2. This lets the signal pass through 2–3 rooms or floors, depending on the Setup deconz in docker. See more deCONZ is a platform-independent application that allows you to set up and control Zigbee networks of any size without programming. Assuming you run a pure Raspbian with no middleware requiring or taking care of any deCONZ configuration, the switches can be used as follows: /usr/bin/deCONZ --dbg-info=2. Are there any workarounds? If i shutdown Homeseer, then the login works, but I You signed out in another tab or window. You signed in with another tab or window. Hello, I have deConz running on an RPi 3, in conjunction with the RaspBee Shield. Unter Downloads die deCONZ Setup . Die Software ist plattformunabhängig und für alle Zigbee Anwendungsprofile einsetzbar. \COM3, baudrate 115200 query bootloader id V3 query bootloader id V3 query bootloader failed retry: 25 Whenever I add any new device to my deCONZ network, all my Philips Dimmers/Switches stop working (and yes, I had some "stopping" window-sensors, too, but I didn't focus on that). I have a Home Assistant running in a virtualbox on my Windows PC. deCONZ Community I’m on Deconz 2. Note: Starting with v2. Beta versions are made available in shorter intervals, in which new functions can be tested or certain problems can be solved with specific bug fixes. The status line in the lower left corner shows 'connecting network' but doesn't join the network in the end. up to 30 m (100ft) in buildings up to 200 m (650ft) in free line of sight Thanks to its power-amplifier, the ConBee II has an outstanding range. I have two Aqara/Mija Door sensors. Discussion around deCONZ and Zigbee. The switches are configured using NodeRed - I've set a debug node and can see: the switches don't send any recordable signals (I think they do, but those seems to be deCONZ from dresden elektronik is a powerful gra - phical tool addressing all those stages. When I click connect, then the connect button goes gray for a time then comes back up. 115. Changes Device Support. Skip to content I will be using marthoc's docker image and so haven't installed deconz. Install Deconz in Windows; Install Conbee driver in Windows; In Phoscon (Windows installation) restore the configuration you saved before; Download and update the Ikea bulbs; Put again the Conbee in your docker machine. Installation einer unbekannten App bestätigen. 2-beta and connect work. GCF read file success: deCONZ_RaspBeeII_0x26780700. Windows 10 installation. de/deconz-firmware for the latest release So then I try to run deCONZ. Navigation Menu Toggle navigation. 88 debug logs can be enabled and shown directly in the deCONZ UI via Help → Debug view on Windows and Linux. 86 unter Windows 10 x64 update wird der Conbee II Stick nicht mehr von der Phoscon App gefunden. sh script, as this is not a clean solution. Check https://deconz. Only one of these services can be started at a time. New deCONZ GUI: windows control / DWM issues. Same issue with 2 aqara door sensors. Recommended third party Apps for Android and iOS. Download latest deCONZ firmware. I use Raspbian. 1 the desktop window manager has been replaced. There is a prompt to end the process. 168. The rounded one worked for a long time then it fell and became unreachable. Just click on any major category and you'll be amazed at how many devices are not supported by deconz. To ensure a strong radio signal, the use of a deCONZ ist eine PC-basierte Anwendung, die Zigbee Netzwerke ohne Programmieraufwand erfasst und steuert. 86 for ex) to a remote GW (192. Die Treiber ZIP-Datei herunterladen und entpacken. I want to move the ConBee II to the Pi4, use the deCONZ add-on, and then reconfigure When using the Windows software the channel change appears to work (according to the deConz Windows software), but when plugging the ConBee II back into my Home Assistant server and checking the debug output it is still using channel 15. On windows the key is still listed but unable to connect and is not detected on raspbian. In the response 3 lights where returned. Follow the steps to download the software, install the USB driver and connect the ConBee II device. exe install error: The code execution cannot proceed because FTD2XX. GCFFlasher. You switched accounts on another tab or window. On macOS the -d parameter is /dev/cu. This repository hosts the deCONZ core which handles connection to ConBee and RaspBee Zigbee coordinator hardware, low level Zigbee network device access and the node based GUI. On both machines the pairing Support running deCONZ headless on Windows Fix ConBee I and RaspBee I sending commands delay #6445; Fix Sinope in-wall outlet SP2610ZB current calculation #6442; Fix Zemismart led strip controller 3A12S-15 #6433; The deCONZ to configure, control and display Zigbee networks. The Deconz software is terrible so I don’t run it. stable or beta) that corresponds to the deCONZ version you wish to build. Get a list of all lights¶. The channel (i. I believe that’s the most current for the Conbee 2? The literature that came with the unit says to press the pairing button for 3 seconds. 37 in WSL and also with firmware 0x26220500), but for whatever reason I am unable to join any device (hue bulb, Aqara sensor, ubisys C4) to the network. I have At least that’s what is reported in the About box of windows deCONZ. Check this guide for details. 05. Download deCONZ software. 10 for ex) and visulaize the mesh map from there 3rd try: Clean Raspbian on a Pi 3b with deconz beta 4th try: Deconz under Windows 10. 00 Hi Everyone, I read a lot of subjects on this forum but I have to miss something. 11: 2065: December 30, 2022 Use Windows PC to update firmware and set 2. This documentation describes the deCONZ REST-API, which is provided by the deCONZ REST-API Plugin on Github that runs a lightweight HTTP server within the deCONZ application on the Raspberry Pi. Then, you can do docker-compose pull to pull the latest marthoc/deconz image, docker-compose up -d to start the deconz container service, and docker-compose down to stop the deconz service and delete the container. de/deconz-firmware/Link Discussion around deCONZ and Zigbee. Skip to content. User Manual Version 1. Make presistent device names. 08. 5. Download and install the deCONZ software from: Does anyone have a foolproof method of successfully starting deCONZ in headless mode on a Windows machine ? In my mind it’s not possible on windows, but from my memory Login to your machine and stop the deCONZ service. 6: 25: New deCONZ GUI: windows control / DWM issues. After that, click Debug View. It is really annoying that you have to grab a Windows machine to access Phoscon and cannot run on an iPad anymore. If a firmware is newer (We download these in an earlier step), than the one that the device is using. I have the same problem. io you will have several serial devices but the deconz requires the devices to be ttyUSB0 for conbee stick. Introduce Phoscon App as WebApp update. DDF for Hive Thermostatic Radiator I'm using deCONZ on Windows and I see there is a new version of the software, is there any update procedure? How do I know it's been updated, I can't see any versioning information anywhere in the deCONZ application. Wireshark also supports other platforms, so besides Linux and Ubuntu it is possible Somewhere between deCONZ v2. The window freezes. To get a list of all available lights run a GET request to /api/<apikey>/lights as follows. OTA files location: C:\Program Files (x86)\deCONZ\otau. Learn how to use deCONZ, a graphical tool for ZigBee PRO networks, on Windows, Linux or Rasberry Pi. To find the Manufacturer Code for your device, see the Node info panel in the deCONZ GUI. Does it mean that you have no . Skysurfer1987 September 21, 2023, 7:55am 5. 0 (Z30), Zigbee Home Automation (ZHA) and Zigbee Light Link (ZLL) lights, switches and sensors from Xiaomi Aqara, IKEA TRÅDFRI, Philips Hue, innr, Samsung and many more vendors. 1-beta since this was the only version that allowed me to pair, I’m guessing it’s because it’s the only one that has the DDF. 🙂 I have the problem that i changed my Windows OS. deCONZ Community Topic Replies Views Activity; IKEA Inspelning. The Phoscon App is a powerful tool to configure and control small and large smart light installations. Negative power. You need to use a Native VNC Client. You would need to be running Hyper-V on a Server OS. zigbee files in you otau catalog? I need to do a new test on a dimmer as well to verify. The current release is not yet included in the deCONZ package. I've got Conbee II stick running on Windows 10 Can anyone help me in these issue --> how to dowload a new firmware to IKEA Tradfri and how to upload it throw deCONZ. 59 Windows 2016 Standard - 64Bit. The drivers are installed automatically after connecting the ConBee. Install USB driver. Hey, same Problem here. For example here in the Blitzwolf DDF I run deCONZ in Windows and use the deCONZ integration in HA that I have running in Hyper-V. Now the GUI doesn’t offer any possibility to close unneeded windows (using a huge amount of visible space) like originally menti FAQ - Any questions? Get all information here. 0) I have not done anything for updating deconz since set up 2 or so years ago. 3) OS (9. How can i start DECONZ-GUI minimized in Raspberry pi. Now i notice that the battery devices are not updated. I just tried this. de Page 5 of 33 Abbreviations Windows; macOS; Notes. 2021-08-10 09:48:19 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy_deconz. HA Addon How In diesem Video zeige ich, wie ConBee per Phoscon und deConz Update aktualisiert werden kann. You don’t Started deCONZ GUI-Version by 'sudo service deconz-gui start' called gksudo; typed 'deCONZ' into the command line by using user 'root' deCONZ GUI started and offered to connect by 'Raspbee' or by 'ConBee II' Both doesn't work. I've found info about script ikea-ota-download. 10. Specializing in the popular wireless standard Zigbee, the Phoscon App supports a I have been using deCONZ GUI + Phoscon with a Conbee II on my local network for several years now. If this is confirmed with yes, the deconz window returns that the process is not responding. Now the GUI doesn’t I got my hands on the new Parasoll windows/door switch sensors. yml. Learn how to install and configure deCONZ, a tool to control and monitor Zigbee networks with ConBee II, on Windows 11, 10 and 7. 3A Nue Door/Window Sensor: HGZB-13A: 3A Nue Water Leakage Sensor: HGZB-14A: Adeo Lexman Door Window Sensor with Vibration: LDSENK08: Adeo Lexman Indoor Pet-Immune Motion Sensor: LDSENK10: AduroSmart ERIA Motion Sensor: 81823: AduroSmart ERIA Wireless Contact Sensor: 81822: AiDot Linkind Door Window Sensor: ZS110050078: AiDot Linkind Wenn ich deCONZ von 2. There the sensors can somehow be seen to appear in the gui but with no content / no cluster menu button. It does NOT work when I create a scheduled task to start deCONZ in that user's account on computer startup. Closed Klagio opened this issue Feb 15, 2019 · 13 comments The second link suggests, that once the device is added, the right gray dot would appear in the deConz window. The deCONZ application is a tool to configure, control and monitor Zigbee networks with the ConBee. Raspbian and Windows. zip. deCONZ General Support. 2 2017-12-10 ConBee –USB Dongle www. The main thing to match the DDF to a device is that the modelid and manufacturer name from the Basic Cluster are listed in the DDF. g. Note: the macOS release takes a bit longer due issues with Apples notarization service. I switched over from Raspbee on RPI to Conbee II on Windows with a fresh installation. All ZigBee Windows; Besides that there is also the beta download folder. When I do the 4-press action, after it resets the pairing icon starts flashing. Environment Home Assistant Core release with the issue: 0. 6 Last working Home Assistant Core release (if known): Operating environment (OS/Contain I am running deCONZ and Phoscon on an Ubuntu server with several other web apps. Weitere Informationen auswählen. 3 and v2. Microsoft makes Windows 11 Professional Edition require an Internet Connection in latest Insider Preview build 22557 Hi, i successfully configured IKEA OTA Updates within deCONZ. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: For windows: https://deconz. I thought it was broken Other supported settings are: adapter_concurrent and adapter_delay (). Restore the backup on Yellow. usbmodemDE The deCONZ is a generic application to monitor and control Zigbee devices. ConBee III (ConBee 3) hardware board is based on the more modern Silicon Labs EFR32MG21 +20dBm radio SoC, which is the same as MCU chip as Home Assistant SkyConnect (USB stick) , ITead’s “Sonoff Zigbee 3. Link 1 (GCFFlasher executable)https://deconz. \COM3, baudrate 115200 command UART reset done connect \\. Select your device from the list (match the IEEE address) and press Query to populate the fields. This doesn’t really seem to do anything. https://deconz. e. With the API key from the last section it is now possible to access the full API. Gehe ich zurück auf die I also installed deconz on a windows machine with gui to check whats happening. Phoscon shows not connected. So skip for now and install deConz for Win. 4GHz channel. I personally use Z2M as I see more entities per device over using ZHA. However, the Windows 10 version of Hyper-V isn't capable of DDA. let me know if you need any more info. 2 Update deCONZ installation for Windows, Ubuntu and Raspbian Stretch. You can record, display and control nodes, create bindings and access the network via the Internet. 1 by jannickfahlbusch · Pull The problem HA windows cover entities reports incorrect state from deconz integration. here: Closing this grey “basic VNC control window” using [ALT] + [SHIFT] + [C] as mentioned here is working great. 54, and tried to open webapp and Phoscon Ap p but since i already have a webserver running on port 80(Homeseer), this doesnt work. The REST-API allows third party applications easy monitoring and control of a Zigbee network from local or remote operating clients. If you are using windows I think you have access to The deCONZ REST plugin provides a REST-API to access Zigbee 3. I'm on the latest firmware (0x26300500) with deconz . Die Installation der deCONZ Software über Trotzdem ausführen starten. Thanks. It provides comprehensive monitoring, control and commissioning capabilities based on the ZigBee PRO specification. On first launch, you’ll need to create an account. Double clic on it, then on Somewhere between deCONZ v2. Reload to refresh your session. Document deCONZ GUI and headless autostart. 34: 1530: February 28, 2025 Support for AQARA Smoke Detector (SD-S01D)? General. It’s painful, and I have no confidence in Dresden Engineering’s ability to produce quality software so I don’t touch it. I have both the dots, but still cannot add the device. Install deCONZ add-on Adding the Aqara Door and Window Sensor Launch deCONZ / Phoscon. The list command -l is in development and only partially implemended. The following sections describe the installation steps of deCONZ for various platforms. Last night, I noticed all of the lights were blinking on A description of all available parameters as well as the use of Docker-Compose and VNC to access the deCONZ GUI can be found in the Container Documentation. Does anyone have a foolproof method of successfully starting deCONZ in headless mode on a Windows machine ? @mdolnik How about running it on a other user account?. de/win/Link 2 (ConBee Firmware File)https://deconz. Make a backup of deconz, shut it down, physically move the conbee stick to Yellow. As part of the setup, I use a Conbee II to communicate with a MOES wireless switch. To write the output to a file, simply do: How can i start DECONZ-GUI minimized in Raspberry pi. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem. Note that the deCONZ core is not open source. . deCONZ network. Hi. 2. Career; Download; Quality management The standard distribution of deCONZ includes the definition for two services: deconz-gui and deconz. I chose to work with the Phoscon app. 4. Zigbee gateway aiming to support most manufacturers. 217. Anyway the device is correctly listed by GCFFlasher 4. It works if I manually log into the account, and open deCONZ, then switch back to my main account. dresden-elektronik. or is there a non UI Mode available for DECONZ? Thanks Florian. Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1. 0 USB Dongle Plus V2” (model “ZBDongle-E”) , Aeotec Zi-Stick (model “ZGA008”) , easyiot ZB-GW04 Zigbee dongle, as well as in the SMLIGHT SLZB deConz DDF import failed: cannot read file. Mit der PC-basierten plattformunabhängigen Running method: (Raspbian / Ubuntu / Home Assistent deCONZ Add-on / Marthoc Docker container / Windows / Virtual Machine) Firmware version: 0x260b0500 deCONZ version: 2. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. At this point, HA should still be able to talk to Zigbee devices via the deconz integration back to the Windows 11 machine. Skip navigation. de/win/ Frank3shanghai January 6, 2024, 9:12pm 3. I'm totally new in home automations. Hi, After flashing a conbee III with firmware deCONZ_ConBeeIII_0x264d0900. It has been running on a Raspberry Pi 3B. Then Deconz will automatically start the upgrade process. The Conbee 2 device i have ordered doesn't show up in either Win 10, Hassio or Raspbian. But not all hope is lost, you can take a working backup just by copying a file Note: This guide is based [] deCONZ ist eine einfach zu bedienende Steuerungssoftware, mit deren Hilfe Sie beliebig große Zigbee Netzwerke ohne weiteren Programmieraufwand in Betrieb nehmen und steuern können. 6 > starting to implement vibration sensor/Carbonmonoxide sensor/Window covering/thermostat Hello, at first happy new year for 2022. I’ve been thinking about keeping a common thread for deCONZ since there are so many different support errands around it and a lot of spread out undocumented knowledge in all you users. Connect Conbee II. exe is the latest The deCONZ1 application allows the configuration, operation, monitoring and maintenance of ZigBee networks. 28. The Raspberry runs completely headless over SSH. Windows 1. Fix everything which is broken (hopefully very little!). ota. If you have a working deCONZ/Phoscon installation there is a backup feature in the Phoscon GUI, but if the program cannot be run for whatever reason that option is of course not available. Can't hide it to the tray which is lame. Conbee II version: I currently have my ConBee II installed on a Windows computer, and I have Home Assistant with deCONZ integration installed on a Pi4. Deconz til now get information about the light. I have a lot of Tradfri lamps (GU10 and one E27) to connect to it, turned off all, did a reset a myriad of times and dont manage to add a single lamp to the stick/phoscon. 35 and 2. 2: 335: July 7, 2024 October 21, 2023 Xiaomi Aqara MCCGQ11LM Window and Door sensor. Details: Setup: Conbee2 on rasberryPi running Home Assistant (2022. Now the GUI doesn’t offer any possibility to close unneeded windows (using a huge amount of visible space) like originally menti Well “they” is neither deCONZ nor Home Assistant, looking at Upgrade deConz to v2. ConBee / ConBee II / ConBee III / RaspBee / RaspBee II. As many users of Hass. Note that these commands will also pull, start, and stop any other services defined in docker-compose. 84 auf 2. [local] Adds deCONZ has an open API and a variety of integrations in home automation systems such as Home-Assistant, Domoticz, Mozilla IoT, openHAB and many more. Somewhere between deCONZ v2. Its look a firmware issue, try to update again the device firmware (you can use the one you Signal range. I am now facing an issue where because other services require port 80/8080/443 (such as my Apache server), I have to choose between either Phoscon/deCONZ or Apache (trying to run them both at the same time causes one to fail. However, The problem exists has occurred on three different Raspberry Pi with deconz. I installed Raspbian light. Connect to Device shows ConBee II DE2287086. help needed. I think the quick win would be being able to conenct from the windows/mac app (192. deCONZ is the software that runs in the background. Wie sinnvoll vorgehen? Was gibt es zu beachten? Die antworten d Indeed, deCONZ fires up here on a Windows machine, with a local USB stick and deCONZ will automatically connect, not button pushed. Please note that in the HA Addon and Docker webVNC you can’t copy paste. I’ve had this up and running for about 4 months without issue. Either check the “Show in sidebar” and open the deCONZ app from there, or click “Open web UI” in the deCONZ add-on menu. Even it’s not Contributors: The following users have been contributing to this release. exe -d COM3 -c -t 100 -f deCONZ_RaspBeeII_0x26780700. deConz selbst zeigt den Stick und die Geräte an aber ohne Namen. It works so far and almost all of my routers with permanent power are updated. 25. I’d also like to get users of deCONZ regardless of systems to join in to a I got a “chinese” window sensor which is not recognized by deconz and started to fiddle arround with a DDF File for it. Treiber manuell installieren. api] Read parameter current_channel response: [15] Resume: Deconz seems quite mystically to auto-update for me. deCONZ app selection. After a restart of deconz the sensor has gone offline and I can’t get it back to work. signed. Windows 10 Pro Installed Deconz 2. 4: 114: I searched but didn’t find anything that helped. Option 1: To get debug logs in a GUI installation, open deCONZ and click Help. Plugging into a windows machine with the dresden . After pairing, however, the sensors are unresponsive. I’m also a novice in the home automation game. In the host O/S the stick is showing up when I run lsusb, I can see entries Yet, deconz might have a very short list by comparison. You signed out in another tab or window. Both these services start the same deCONZ programme, but deconz starts it without enabling the GUI. Introduction¶. GCF the key is not detected by deconz anymore. Reload to refresh your We are also working to get rid of all sudo uses in the current deCONZ-autostart. General Support. a) making a statement “the headless mode is possible on windows” or b) questioning whether the headless mode is actually possible at all on windows. At second, sorry for my terrible English vocabulary. Be Windows Benachrichtigung; deCONZ herunterladen. ConBee_II_USB_Driver_V1_00. Thank you for that! @Smanar, @SwoopX, @bluemoehre, @ebaauw, @elratt0r, @github-actions[bot], @jan666, @manup, @mattreim and @ocsi01. In each attempt, I used the conbee stick with a USB extension and tried as well without it. The Webserver (PhosCon) is available and restore my Backup to the new PC. It seems, that I have the same problem. Note The systemd script assigns Linux capabilities to let it run on ports deCONZ finden; Windows 7 Installation. Download GCFFlasher and deConz. Find out how to connect, configure, monitor, control and commission devices with Disconnect your ConBee or ConBee II from your deCONZ system. USB connected adapters (ConBee / ConBee II / ConBee III) and Raspberry Pi GPIO modules (RaspBee and RaspBee II). Now the GUI doesn’t offer any possibility to close unneeded windows (using a huge amount of visible space) like originally mentioned e. To find the Image Code and (current) Version, see the STD OTAU Plugin panel in the deCONZ GUI. [your-user/] Your username (optional). Radio Device 2017-12-10 1. deCONZ software update means I need the GCFFlasher? Is there an discription what I have to do and does this mean I’ll loose my parameters in deCONZ? HKUser1 Contribute to Smanar/Domoticz-deCONZ development by creating an account on GitHub. Add the deconz add-on and restore the deconz backup. The application core is kept completely ge - neric and is therefore not limited to a specific application profile. Lots of discussion about deCONZ in connection with other home automation systems as well as suggestions for new ideas also takes Hi to all good people. dll was not found. Due to some lights flashing I began debugging and became interested in deconz version, and lo and behold it is the newest, namely Window manager issues in deCONZ (VNC GUI) In case you also have issues using deCONZ (new window manager), please turn to; deCONZ Community – 1 Sep 24. deCONZ_Setup_Win32_V2_05_79. 35 on Windows and firmware 0x26210500, but also with deCONZ 2. 1 Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye) Linux 6. The deconz window cannot be closed via the gui. So far I haven’t been able to get headless mode to work on Windows. Works with Conbee and Raspbee hardware. Hardware. Find and fix vulnerabilities 07/04/19 : 1. The interaction. The output logging is not streamlined yet. And it did work. gwrac fvjoy wehtaou wcvqhp gzgas dstp bmsrkj rbyr biewz ihxvge byy wnxg hnjjlwriq hhjeyfe toj